by on January 24, 2020

Some months ago I was at a friend's party at his house, I went there with my sister, brother-in-law plus one friend of ours. During a party another friend came to us and asked if we wanted some LSD, as usually she have access to good stuff and I was near home, I decided to take half of a 200ug blotter, stay a little at the party and leaving when we get tired of interacting or want to trip back at our place. It tasted a bit metallic and in the beggining my sister was assuming it might have been Nbome (in the end it wasn't, so I'm guessing maybe it was an amphetamine or MD, I'm not sure).

I think we took it at 21:30 and it took a while to offset and in in the beggining the effects were more subtle, things were funnier, my brother-in-law was in a prankster mood, so he left his phone playing birds song under the tabble in party, and we stayed under the table watching a magnificent leg party while some and late 90s and early 00s eletro and dance songs were looping and were keeping us really confuse. The party theme was Everybody Pretends You're Going to the Beach, so it was kind of a obvious choice for playlist.

Anyway, everything and pretty normal and tame and when we decided to go home it was 00:00 or 1am, I'm not sure, in the middle of the walk home, things started to get weirder, I got happy 'cause I was kind of expecting a stronger trip and I basically forgot that I was not even close to the peak. Silly me. The world started to look more magickal and small light orbs started to appear and float around the way, and just before arriving home, I looked on the ground and there was some spraypaint on it, I started staring the texture and then I got access to the fractal world, that kept coming and going through the trip. We hung out for sometime, like one or two hours and then my sister and her bf left for their room and I stayed in mine. I decided to set my room for tripping, I turned off the main lights, turned on a red led light and put on some trippy music from my favorite band, Coil. Their music can be pretty trippy, magickal and surrealist most of the time and I wanted to bring out most of the LSD. So I was there in the bed, staring some bottles dance and the music started to get more and more intense, then, suddenly the light changed the direction where it came from, .ie the red light changed places with the shadows.

The remaining friend and I decided that it was the good time to get some hits of the bong, and hiting it was pretty enhancing of the effects of the acid. Each hit made me have a short timetravel to the second I got a hit 5 times in a row, and I was sure this was making the weed even stronger, heh. So my friend left and I was alone and still pretty high on the peak and still emerging in music. I was feeling that I achieved the realm of lucid tripping, this is, I was a good part of the time controlling some aspects of the trip, I could draw in the air by focusing in the light and moving the fractals, the time travel stuff was still going and everything was pretty cool. In some moment I started to notice a specific sound in one sound that I today interpret it as something like Machine Elves manifesting in the sound, it kept calling for my attention and travelling through my room showing me some stuff. After some time, I started to have a feeling that I was being watched by some mysterious cosmic entity and I was pretty much accepting that I was falling through its influence and started to talk to what I tough was other people that fell under it influence and where in the same mind state as me. I spent some more time thinking about this and then the acid started to get weaker, it was around 5am, so I decided to try to sleep, I was still tripping a little, seeing some colorful geometry and stayed like that until I slept.


I awoke the next day feeling pretty good and happy. The trip had some of the weirdest moments I had in a trip and it felt pretty Lovecraftian, and it brought new levels to my psychedelic experience. Tripping in silence can be great, but it's amazing how the right music can bring out great aspects of what you're using.

Topics: lsd
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