by on January 15, 2020
I'm very hesitant about sharing this but here goes...
Recommendation: Stick to smoking DMT.
I do not recommend this route of administration and would like to remind people who are curious, that choosing to inject a drug is line you cross. Once you make that choice it becomes easier to continue choosing to do it that way. So just don’t do it and save yourself some pain. This is written up for those who wonder what it is like and I can share it so you don’t have to do it. 
I have tried both intravenous (IV) and intramuscular (IM) injections DMT. Both are very different to each other and to smoking it. 
I do not wish to indicate a dosage guideline for this route and have neglected to include it for four reasons: 1) Your DMT will be different to mine; 2) I may have lost some DMT during filtration and break down; 3) I use drugs regularly including DMT so there may be an issue of tolerance; 4) I do not wish to encourage this route and will leave out the how to’s. If your curiosity leads you to this route, I am happy to chat to you privately. 
Intravenous DMT Report
Low dose report - My first time with IV DMT. Clear and crisp open eyed visuals but nothing too extreme. Closed eyed visuals are more intense. I did notice some eye wobbling similar to MDMA which I found strange. I sat upright for the experience and was conscious of my body the entire time. I was back to almost baseline in less than 5 minutes. I remember laughing as it came on because the open eyed visuals came so fast and were extremely vibrant in colour (like nothing I’d seen before). I smiled the entire time. I didn’t feel any apprehension during the experience. It was rather uneventful.
Higher dose report - With these higher doses I prefer to get comfortable, lay back and enjoy the ride. For me it starts with an intense ringing in the ears which doesn’t go anyway for sometime. This ringing is much more pronounced than smoking and louder than ketamine. The open eyed visuals are intense and the closed eyed visuals are really, really nice in the intensity. Much more shaper and vibrant in colour than smoking. The higher doses get me closer to where I want to be but not anywhere near breakthrough or what Strassman’s volunteers reported. Again, I was almost back to baseline in less than 5 minutes.
Overall opinion: I do not recommend this route. The effect is too short to make the risks worth it.
It effect comes on in under 20 seconds and lasts for around 5 minutes. It has maybe a 10 minute afterglow effect. 
The most noticeable difference between smoking and IV is how clear the visuals are. The visuals seem to be more vibrant and sharper and the DMT space less dark in colour. Almost like your eyes have adjusted to it and can take in more of what is around you. I felt as if I was more conscious of the experience space and it was less ‘vivid dreamy’.  
I have not yet found my breakthrough dose and hold serious doubts about reaching breakthrough via this route unless it’s prolonged.
Strassman’s volunteers reported experiences of up to 30 minutes, it is my belief they had a steady dose administered via IV drip and not a single IV dose. I’ve seen conflicting reports on this online, so I’m not sure what they received (I've seen reports saying it was a single shot and others that say it was a drip).
I also believe that my higher dose experiments via this route would have got me to breakthrough point if administered continuously over time. The effect wears off too quickly to get there but if it could be sustained I believe I would have reached Strassman volunteer descriptions. I have looked into purchasing an IV drip… maybe some day in the name of curiosity.
As far as dosage guidelines I will say this… Strassman "volunteers received two doses (0.04 and 0.4 mg/kg) of intravenous (IV) dimethyltryptamine”. I have used Strassmans dosage calculations and they were not effective in reaching the same results. I have also doubled Strassman’s dosages and still not achieved it (for safety always start low!).
Possible reasons for this: 1) Strassman had lab grade liquid DMT which I can’t recreate; 2) My breakdown method of DMT may be completely inadequate to achieve these results; 3) administration via single shot and not via IV drip; 4) I may have lost some DMT during the filtration step and be in fact using less DMT then I think.  
My lounge room isn’t a lab so I cannot be sure of anything. 
Intramuscular DMT Report
Overall opinion: I have done this one many times. I actually really enjoy it, however I still wouldn’t recommend it due to health risks associated with this route. 
IM DMT is much different to IV and smoking. It comes on gradually over about 5-10 minutes and feels blissful like a hug from the universe. Very gentle in effect, like holding hands and going for a walk with DMT rather than DMT throwing a planet at your head. Wonderful soft open eyed visuals. Closed eyed visuals are more intense but I enjoy this route open eyed. The effect lasts for about 30-40 minutes with a long lingering pleasant afterglow. 
I have IM’d two other people with DMT. The first person was experienced with DMT and had an experience similar to mine. We put on music with trippy visualisations on the TV. The DMT ate the top of the TV and the visuals morphed up the wall. So essentially my 70inch TV became a 3 metre one. We both experienced this and thought that was pretty neat.
The second person was not experienced with DMT and had a full on DMT ride even with me taking tolerance into account with dosage. Even though it was very intense and long lasting, she still throughly enjoyed it and reported a near breakthrough level experience. Tolerance and experience with DMT must play large role in how IV and IM DMT is experienced. I have not yet experienced a breakthrough via IM even with higher doses.
People have asked before about this so I will include some information regarding making my DMT water soluble. I use vinegar to break it down. I have found lemon juice isn’t as effective as vinegar. I am yet to try other methods of breaking it down as vinegar does the trick. I use an eyedropper with vinegar so I never add more than needed. It takes some time to dissolve and a lot of stirring. I have tricks to maximise and speed up this process but I won’t go into that. I'm sure there are better ways as well but this works for me.  
SAFETY (because it’s important):
• When filtering DMT for injection IT IS A MUST!! that you use a .22 micron wheel filter or similar. These are super important for safety and play a vital role in removing any organic matter. If your curiosity gets the better of you, do not attempt without these! 
• Always start with low doses and work your way up. You can always go up but you can’t come down! 
• Trip sitters are a good idea. I don’t recommend taking drugs, specially new drugs or drugs via a new route, alone. I’ve got myself into trouble more than a few times now and I’ve been lucky someone was with me. Be careful always!
• Do your own research - educate yourself. The internet has a lot information on dosage, risks etc. Ask questions if you have them and do not blindly go into something. 
• Do not mix drugs and alcohol. 
Posted in: DMT
24 people like this.
How do you find the duration. Its way too fast acting to get anywhere for me. Be interested to chat privately. Are you on Discord?
Like January 16, 2020
Yeah 72millionernies#8334
Like January 16, 2020
The trip is super quick but also less imformation to process, only so many details you can bring back anyway. , once i set up 3 in a row so i could readminister over and over, the 2nd one got me stuck in a fucking loop like im pretty sure im still there snd any second this is gonna slap down like a... View More
Like January 16, 2020
couldnt find you - Im Questionable1#7460
Like January 16, 2020