Trip Reports
Existence is amusement
The day began with my brother and I drinking dud shroom tea, 3g and no effects, so after 70min, I get the acid out! 200ug on the tongue, and off we go
We had a great day by the spa with my sober partner, while we were tripping and I was smoking weed to increase the visuals when I have a dose smaller than 300ug, it also makes me happier because I love weed.
I really enjoyed being outside for nearly the whole day, just laying down looking at the trees and the bright blue sky, couldn't have been a better day to be outside, and although I love the outdoors I always take it for granted, not today!
I feel amazing, having deep chats with my brother about life, I feel like since starting taking acid over the last 12months I've changed but in only positive ways. This makes me start to question the meaning of life as I do very often since taking acid. Love that perspective change! As I'm sitting on the ground, just amused with everything around me I feel like the monkey that bangs the cymbals, he does it purely for his amusement, there is no purpose besides that (this is where my inspiration for my art came from) I have a lightbulb moment. When I am on acid, I always do what I want to do, no filter just what I want to do to be amused, just like the monkey. As I sat there I realized that just being alive is a true gift, and everything I experience is for my amusement. I am apart of this great show called life, I have heard Alan Watts say this or at least something very similar, but I never truly understood it, I thought I did, but I understood it in a completely different way. Living is a gift, and you should always do what you love and surround yourself around who you love,
I'm an adrenaline junkie, skydiving, bungee jumping, etc. I reflect on this and I come to the realization as to why I enjoy it so much. Bungee jump, for example, is literally jumping to your death and then right as your about to cease to live you are pulled up to safety, a big 'stuff you' to death, so close but not today. This gives the ultimate thrill, and absolute amusement to my life because I am not dead, even though a fall that big should kill you it doesn't, I am still living, I am still experiencing the show!
I think about afterlife and I say to my brother that I think heaven is such an egotistical thing. us humans believe that because we exist and are aware of this, we deserve an afterlife. Being should just be enough, we have life, and to add to that we know we have life. Something inside me just clicked, and I truly felt the love of being alive, and my god do I hope everyone gets to experience this because this is a whole new level of happiness and love. It suppressed my fears of being judged in society, I'm not going to conform, I am unique and that is amazing. I will do what I want in this life because I can! I want to spread love not hate! I want to try and help people experience this level of happiness
Thank you acid for doing exactly what I wanted (this is my 9th trip btw) Thanks everyone who reads this, I hope you experience my happiness also, love you all!
Posted in: Cannabis, Other Psychedelics
lsd, weed, lsd trip, meaning of life, enlightenment