by on January 6, 2020
So I had some penis envy that someone shared concerns came from a clone bred for size but not of the legendary PE potency and maybe not even up to typical cubensis potency.
Keeping this in mind, I decided on a really solid dose any way you cut it of 4gm. I also got some of that Fever Tree ginger beer, drank some in advance and the rest to wash them down with. Why? Shocked the shit out of me to hear ginger is a mild MAO A inhibitor. A quick visit to google scholar confirms. And that brand has all kinda ginger in it.
So there I was chewing on the first mouthful- about a gram. Moistening the cardboard with spit and ginger and I havent even swallowed any yet. Was it my imagination or was I starting to come on? Naaaah. Must be placebo. There's no way I'd get appreciable amounts absorbed through the mucus membranes in my mouth.
Swallow the chewed bolus and pop the 2d gm in my mouth. Nope. Definitely *not* my imagination. Less than a minute after starting to chew this dried penis envy and I have not yet swallowed the second gram and I'm coming on really, really fast. I did not know this was possible. And I still had 2 gm to go. Well, it seemed like the thing to do at the time; damn the torpedoes, full steam. Rumors of diminished potency were unfounded to say the least. I'd really like to know just how potent those shrooms were (in multiples of regular strength cubes). More than a few times the potency and I took a lot. Looking back, I have that image while coming on of Madeline Kahn singing, "O, sweet mystery of life at last I found you!"
I layed down. There was no time to put on music before I was too wasted to do so. No lights, either. So I climb under the comforter in bed. There was me and this expanse of covers and I'm still cold because mushrooms do that to me in my old age. And the covers seem to kind of go on forever but maybe not; they are sharing the space with the void. The void is bumping up against the covers and by extension bumping up against me. The void was formless until I came along, and now it could define itself by the interface with me. It liked that very much and was grateful. Not that there was so much recognizably 'me' going on- my ego was dissolved enough that I could relate to the void.
And since my ego pretty much had left the building, the void was fascinated with my body - the anatomy and kinesiology of my torso, particularly the workings of my shoulder. It caused me to move randomly as it started messing with my circuitry. That torso (well, the right side including part of the face) went effectively on display like some kinetic department store mannequin to include various fashionable sports coats and the like.
And how that shoulder and arm could move. In fact, it was running through all kinds of low level sub routines- behaviors that were stereotypical and requiring no thought, things like scratching, yawning, grunting and yelling. It was having me do all these movements and it was keeping notes and rewiring. I was beyond restless in bed. Squirming tossing, turning. All involuntary. Automatism. Like in limbic seizures. It went on for hours and was pretty exhausting but I suppose I didn't mind. The universe was rewiring me for the better.
My ego started returning for brief moments at a time at first, gradually more frequent until, poof, *c'est moi!* The void rewired me so it could communicate better through me. Nice.
Bodhisattva, won't you take me by the hand? Can you show me? Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Bodhisattva
Posted in: Psilocybin