Trip Reports
Little pre story! So:Just recently started to experiment with Lucy, one day one of my friends offered me a tab ( before that whole my life I thought acid will kill me or make me a vegetable), i played cool, took it, stored it for couple weeks, than tried half, couple days later other half. Than got 4 more tabs. First i was sure i am ready for 1 tab - long story short - it was awesome, week later did it again and it was even better, became one with nature so much love and great feelings.So now i thought i am an expert in this(biggest mistake) and i can control it. So about two weeks later i dropped 2 at the beginning(my friend told me that these are extra strong, have been tested at 220um, don't if he lied or was true), and here we go.Figured out i am going to go mushroom hunting, luckily had some friends with me. After a 40min drive it started to kick in, we arrived at the forest, and all the trees were looking colourful and very much alive. I thought its great, this is it, finally i am getting proper visuals! Started walking into the bush/forest i saw very nice looking amanitas, it felt like i am in a fairy tale, colours, plants, birds and my close friends around so i thought it is the right time to fire up a joint. Had some real nice lemon haze. Next moment i was stuck in the moment with my friends, it kept repeating it self we got caught in some time loop. At the beginning we all were freaking out, but somehow i figured out that i can affect the moment with my thoughts, emotions and feelings. But I didn't know how to control it because whatever I thought of became true. I saw like a spiral of all universes and to jump in certain moment i had to go through some emotional feelings. First i forgot all letter "a" and "s" from my language, than weirdly i was able to speak backwards. Next I realised that its not too bad, and that was my mistake, when i realised bad can be some sort of feeling, i could go through my memories and experience broken bones, bleeding, sore teeth, feeling of throwing up some cramps in my stomach. I was crying and i thought it will never end, than in my mind i realise that this is all what i have felt in my life but i have survived through it, and tougher than that. Don't know why but my next thought was that i forgot how to breathe. I choked I couldn't breathe, i saw everything becoming yellow/gold maybe very bright white and i guess i was dead. I didn't understand what is happening where am i, who am i! All of the sudden everything started to spin again and i was back! I woke up sitting and feeling that i have gone crazy, i felt like police and people from mad house are looking for me because i was crazy, in the back of my mind i actually believed that i am insane, and if am insane why would i pretend of being something else? Next moment i was naked, screaming, jumping around, eating soil with pine needles, running around and still saying things backwards. When i again started to realise that i am crazy, how ashamed my family is, i was so ashamed people looking at me while i was being naked, i started to feel sick and i passed out. I was in the same place i cant describe it, but it is where no time exists, there is nothing and everything, it is some sort of place of energy! And i was energy, i could read my friends mind i could see the future snd affect the future, i could change the past, i felt like i understood everything, that i knew everything, i felt like GOD, i could create things. I came back my friends were little stressed out because i am passing out, i am naked in the middle of downhill track where lot of people walking their dogs. I came back and I laughed i told them that i can control their minds, they didn't believe so i laughed and asked one of them :" u don't believe i control your mind? Don't know why but first thing that came in my mind was make them throw up!I asked her do you think i can make you throw up? And she started choking, (later she told me that she actually felt so sick to her stomach that she could throw up), i started laughing and said see you later, i am going back in! It was amazing i was flying, looking trough people minds, going through trees and buildings, creating love and so much good energy, and just kept coming back for a second told my friends that i am fine, just gonna die and leave my body again and i was gone again. So i did more than 5 times, i saw them carrying my body of the track and trying to wake me up, from above like birds perspective. It was crazy but it was awesome, so when i came back for good i really thought it was a dream, i had soil on my face and in my mouth I put my pants back on and I couldn't believe that all happened for real. I had messages like a life lessons like: don't be dick to anyone because its bad energy and it always come back in all different shapes! Whatever you do is it good or bad you have to multiply it by at least 62, and that is what you are going to receive ( cheap example : you steel 100$ you gonna lose something worth 100x62$ if you genuinely give someone 1$ u will receive back at least 62$). Only thing what we own is our time so give your time to important and close people, your friends and family. It was about year ago and lot of details has gone but it was crazy and at the same time amazing trip.Hope you enjoyed my story ???? Happy 2020 ????????????
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