William Mitchell
by on December 14, 2019
6:45pm I ate a .85 of mushrooms that I grew myself, have been microdosing them but haven't really "dosed" and tripped. Normally it was for fun or o just didnt understand it
*normally when i get mushrooms I dont know who there from/grown by and never truly know the variety they are, it's all just trusting a friend
7:00pm I took a small dab and hopped in the shower for about 30-45 minutes listening to music waiting for them to kick in
7:45pm my legs and arms start getting this "buzzing" feeling.. I wasnt sure If I wanted to sit down or run a mile but I knew I was starting to peak so I hopped out of the shower real quick and went straight to my room. I didn't even wanna look in the mirror ????
8:00pm It felt like I was losing control of my own mind and started to freak out a little so I poured a cup of milk and tried to eat some cookies, I ate 1 and the mushrooms told me it was enough ha
8:10pm I'm laying in my bed with 4 big blankets on me and around my neck/head (laying in bed with wet hair was so uncomfortable) , I start seeing this serpent snake like "entity" right in front of my face , it felt like it was holding me down.
8:20 The serpent thing went on for maybe 10 minutes. Meanwhile that was happening I started hearing a white noise just get louder and louder in my head until i literally couldn't hear anything else..then I start hearing this demonic voice in my head. It felt as if I was on the same frequency as the spirit world and demons were trying to communicate but things just sounded muffled .. that moment was so intense I had to speak outloud to hear myself talk and told myself "nope"
9pm dont really remember the next 35 minutes
10pm I started to come down and I felt so clear minded, I could think of anything and it would be there In my mind perfect picture like a drawing
Maybe I just lost my mind??? .85 had me blasted with very little visuals. I microdose them every day so it's not like I don't have a tolerance.
All in all a good experience and no body load would 8/10 do It again haha
Posted in: Psilocybin
Topics: psilocybin
6 people like this.
William Mitchell
Shit flavored and yes i ate it like that
Like December 14, 2019
William Mitchell
Definitely is
Like December 15, 2019
William Mitchell
Try 3g in silet darkness and thr other 2gs microdose, that what id do personally
Like December 15, 2019