by on November 30, 2019

Frequent meditations and single pointed mind. I proceed. No fear, no expectations. 4 deep big tokes from a glass bulb and a torch. I powered through the 4th hit, barely. I didn't "meet" anyone or talk to anyone. I guess I wasn't there to be shown trinkets elves or a waiting room or control room, as reported by many. I was there, big time THERE!  Outside of time, outside and inside. Starring at the ultimate abyss and the ultimate infinity. Waaay past any mechanical elves or waiting rooms. I didn't have to wonder where I was, I just knew. I was at the machine, not the control room that ppl report, but the machine that was behind the control center. Crystal clear quantum realm. I was shown the quantum clock. I was floating above it and it stretched on and on and on. Shimmering golden translucent cogs and gears. It was performing magic and miracles. As soon as I laid eyes on it I became a god and an amoeba. All knowing and everywhere, yet shapeless without thought. Everything and nothing. As a God I was looking at myself as an amoeba and as an amoeba looking up at myself, a God. As soon as I decided I was fine with being an amoeba...WHOOSH right back to Godliness. As though I instantly saw my brain evolve from nothing to everything in an instant. I was back levitating above this magnificent miracle generator/clock. I laughed at the absurdity of what just happened to myself and saw physical reality being born from my laugh, bright white, it rippled across space and time. I didn't laugh again. I was basking in astonishment at what I just created. I didn't have to ask myself what my laugh just morphed into. At my core I knew I had just created an entirely new universe. I was a tuning fork for this quantum miracle machine. 

Posted in: DMT
16 people like this.
It was beautiful, transforming and confounding.
Like December 2, 2019
Like December 13, 2019