by on November 27, 2019

So I have quite a bit of golden DMT spice and considered myself a seasoned psychonaught decided to say fuck it all and go "All In". Used a WillyMyco supercharger plastic bottle vape so don't scorch my spice and can get big beautiful clouds. I was good to go happy camper ready to break through the veil and get some insights into life from an alternate point of view. 

So I did the legal 3 (power hits) and one more just so the Spirit knows I surrender to the journey it will take me on. First hit ears ringing room goes fractal..second hit I'm outside my body willing myself to go "hard" 3rd hit can't move without extreme concentration, 4th hit poof I'm in wonderland. 

So I sense the Spirit descend over me like a giant octopus with 1000 eyes, doesn't feel "benevolent" but I trust the Universe to show me what I need to know. As this Entity gets more and more aggressive it's tentacles turn into Rainbow Serpents slithering through the fractal geometry like a Rollercoaster. Personally I like snakes so this didn't bother me but these weren't constrictors they where vipers so I tried to catch one and sommabich tried to strike at me. So I switched my attention, basically said fuck these snakes and started thinking who da fuk is this DMT ENTITY? This is where it showed itself to me. 

I still think this is bat shit crazy but it's what I the Fractal Geometry morphed into Egyptian Hieroglyphics like music video moving to the sound. I saw the Great Pyramid in Egypt and I saw these Entities at the top of that pyramid. I couldn't wrap my head  around it doesn't make sense. This DMT ENTITY was known as Ra to the Egyptian's and sommabich was trying to kill me. Not a instant death, but a slow diseased death introduced into my soul by those Serpents poisoning. Again not a big fan of Egyptian shit but they keep showing up. 

So instead of freaking out I let go and just watched what was being shown to me's like I time traveled or I've been reincarnated or something because I was there...I felt the sun's heat, eyes squinting by the glare, huge sand colored stones covered in hieroglyphics all around me and they seemed familiar. I saw...litteraly saw in my mind Osaris hovering over his sarcophagus, green head iguana looking God with two golden rods..he was in a golden  chamber in the center of the Great Pyramid. Then I realized what the Pyramid's ACTUALLY are. They are energy devices designed to keep us dumb and violent. They are all around the world and they emit a frequency that causes people to hate each other even the Earth we live on. Ever wonder why more people have been killed in the name of God then ALL OTHER REASONS COMBINED? Well I found out and I don't expect you to believe me cause I saw it and don't believe it. Best analogy I can use is subliminal messages in advertising..they WORK and are supposed to be illegal but everyone knows sex sells so they do it. The worlds Pyramid's and they surround the world (sorry flat earthers) are ANTI ASCENSION CAPS. You can extroplate this to why people believe killing something Innocent somehow "pays or covers" their sins. Who's collecting the payment and why? What Ikind of "God" collects innocent suffering and misery in exchange for "salvation"? I bucked, I couldn't except what I was seeing and I said "Hell No" Not in disbelief but in Absolutele Defiance.

It's hard to keep this in logical order but I saw the Great Pyramid as the physical bottom half of another 3 D pyramid that's invisible to us but is there and is upside down overlayed and within the Great Pyramid. Like a Merkuba or Jewish star in 3D. On the Top of that "Astral" Pyramid is Ra's "realm" "seat of power" "throne" whatever ya wanna call it and I was sent to the "lower world" for defying his authority. I know this is just "DMT Trip" and I know this is some crazy shit but I ALSO KNOW He is NOT the Creator of ALL. 

So I told him if your so powerful why do you want to kill me and wipe my memories? Why don't you instead make me a millionaire and prove your good? 

That went over like a Led Zeppelin. I was snatched or kicked off or pulled away from that golden platform back to my couch and Again those vipers trying to attack me. Not physically but to poison my soul so it filter down to my body. I thought I was fucked, I was trying get those vipers to chill and started praying (watch a Cobra strike at your face and soul and I bet even a Atheist will pray) then I saw another Alien pop into the scene that looked like Ultraman. Can't fucking believe it but he showed up and did a Kung Fu move and they slithered away. He was glowing a white light and the DMT was trying to fractalize that light into a digital like assembly and couldn't. I dont if they "got me" or not but I have caught a cold since then.

Funny thing is I don't even like that cheesy TV show..but I do now. Anyway that Alien was like wearing a contamination suit dealing with those vipers but it stepped up and did a intervention for me. For that I truly say THANK YOU.

Well I'm hard headed and stubborn so I went back again the next night thinking I could "reason" with Source again of DMT. Again attacked by those vipers tried to ignore it thinking they would go away... couldn't stop them and on the second nights journey I was beneath the Pyramid's being carried into a dark tomb...was fucking weird. I saw my body under a grey blanket being carried feet first and distinctly heard the Source of DMT say to me "Your God is Dead" it sent shivers down my spine. But I wasn't afraid it just resonated truth. I also saw the Annunaki and they are NOT human. Literally Reptilians..I saw the one they called "Innana" or Isis... blueish grey lizard woman looked like Malefecint. She saw me see her and turned her face away from me and then turned her back to me. Again Ever wonder why ancient people worshipped snakes? Because those Reptilians look like snake people. Shiva is one of them.We could go down the list of why this is the real truth but I know nobody is going to believe me so ask the Source of DMT show you who controls the real world? Who created the Pyramid's? And if ya really feeling froggy ask to see "RA". They are shapeshifters but insist they show their TRUE FORM. They hate doing that because humans instinctively know they are the Demons of the Bible. 

Anyway I'm gonna cut this short your getting the readers digest version of a 4 night battle. I saw their intent for Earth and everyone on it. I saw the political unrest morphing into arguments then war, I saw the SOURCE of this is not us Humans. The lie to us and say it's our nature and we're born "bad" not so...some kids are just more sensitive to the lower frequencies resonating off those Pyramid's .99% of us are on autopilot just trying to be happy and survive. Evil forces are plotting against us and we're allowing it by not being LOVING.

Back to my last encounter...went REAL HARD thought I perfected my "Somersault of Thought" "Stopping the World" "Moving the Assemblage point" (Carlos Castaneda Teachings) and could Transcend Ra or Source of DMT...not even..somehow I failed to let go of this reality.. andI I needed to accept all outcomes as equal. I know I had my thumb on the scale because I have a vested interest in ALL our Freedom NOT JUST MINE.and again those Beautiful Rainbow Serpents had my number...I was a goner I thought all hope is lost and the biblical apocalyptic WW3 shit was going to happen and I can't stop it ...then I swear if I'm lying I'm dying a Giant Green Mantis was standing behind  me and stabbed one of the vipers heads and Kung Fu sliced the other (they was twisting slithering around each other) and the DMT Retreated like a Octopus into the darkness.

I was left with an overwhelming since of awe...The Earth stood up for me. She knows my heart and I want the best for everyone and a Giant Praying Mantis defended me against something truly diabolical evil. I've done research and believe they call them the "Archon's or Demiurge" before thought it was all fantasy make believe shit for simpletons but the DMT showed me not only is it real... we're living on ONE of THEIR WORLDS. 

A key take away for me from this saga trip is Enlightenment is nice and blissful but raising our collective conscienceness is Paramount to surviving what's coming. Think 100th monkey metaphor. We are all One.

Ego, identity politics, us verses them,. left versus right, It's all nonsense vote for whoever you like but we are ALL ONE. Literally your interacting with yourself so be kind ..United we stand Divided we fall. Love everyone as yourself because that's the real TRUTH. It's been a few days since my encounters and like Neo seeing the Oracle in the Matrix "Morpheus says: "You received the message you needed nothing more nothing less"  Godspeed



Posted in: DMT
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My bad neice was distracting me...point is you don't really think DMT Entities are praying toYawehJehovah, Ra, Shiva, Vishnu ,Brahma,...all these icons that requires servitude and worship are False. Make no mistake there is correct and incorrect teachings but to tell a Man to bow down like a dog and... View More
Like December 5, 2019 Edited
I really appreciate you sharing all of this! I ritually use psilocybin, took a ton of acid in my teens and warming up to deems. I’ve had a glimpse at consciusness or “reality” beyond this. Some of the most clear awakenings I’ve had are sober. The thing is, they only take me to a higher place. I’ve s... View More
Like February 8, 2020
Lizard Queen
Hint... on the where the term “pyramid scheme” derived from...
Like February 8, 2020
Lizard Queen
You should grab a pencil ruler and paper and draw out everything you saw
Like February 8, 2020