by on November 24, 2019
Lsd 300ug Trip report
I where on my way home from my friends, i had 2 tabs of 150ug lsd so about half way home i took the tabs and 20 minuttes later i got home, And i went upstairs to my room too wait for it to kick in. About 22 minuttes after i got home i started tripping,nothing much just my light changed colors. So about 1 and a half hours in i went to the bathroom to take a dump and while i was sitting there i felt my shoulder touch the cold floor, So i got really confused i didnt know what was happening. First i thought the toilet smelted but in after time i think i fell off, After laying there for 2 minuttes or so i deside to stand up and wash my hands. When i got to the sink i looked at mye eyes and my face and while i am looking at my face i see myself age about 15 years 1 year at the time, that right there freaked me out so i decided to walk to my room. So i got into my room and i lay down on the bed and start some music. I layed down about 2 hours and stare at the roof, this is about 3 to 4 hours in. after some time i got really tired so i layed down on my side and closed my eyes, and as i close mye eyes it feels like i am sleeping and then i wake up as a baby version of myself in the hospital bed, i was really fucking confused so i start looking around and i see younger versions of my mom and dad staring at me, i tried to talk to them but i just couldnt talk. So a bit after i am still in this insane trip and life goes on i grow up from a baby to when i started in school when i was 6 years old, and life keep going i basically relived every memory i have had as a child, but when i grew a bit older about 15 years old. things went fast and in my trip i started with hardcore drugs and on my fiftheenth birthday i overdosed. but i died in the trip but still didnt wake up the exact trip started over and over again. i relived my entire life a couple hundred times. After many hundred years of this i die one last time of the exact same reason and then i woke up from the trip and jumped out of my bed as a reflex, at that time i felt a feeling of relief and scared. I thought i actually died and just relived my life. (this trip where about half an hour long). after this i just got on my phone and listened to music the rest of the lsd trip.
Posted in: Psilocybin
7 people like this.
Hi birch, this is a really great trip report. You claimed to have experienced a sensation where your toilet have ”Smelted” however the definition of this word is ”the act or procsess of getting a metal from rock by heating it to a very high temperature.” In your next trip report you could try to us... View More
Like November 26, 2019
Not a big writer, gonna say just the way it happened. My worst loop or whatever it was - when me and my roommate had to take shrooms, he couldn't do it that day as we planned due to his schedule change, so I ended up eating my bag by myself, he went to work and texted that he won't get a chance to d... View More
Like November 27, 2019 Edited