by on November 20, 2019
Can somebody explain what's happeing?
I was in an arts and crafts class weaving a piece of fabric. We were standing in a circle, facing each other but everyone was focused on his or her personal work. Then something changed, and I had no idea what was happening...
Out of a sudden some rhythmically pulsating, droning noise seemed to drown out all the voices and other noises. Golden glittering sparks were flying around through the room. The periphery of my field of vision turned darker and darker until I ended up having some sort of strangely illuminated tunnel vision. Then, I totally lost contact with my environment.
I opened my eyes because somebody was shaking me, and people were talking in a loud and slightly disturbed way. I was lying on the floor feeling kind of weak, everything appeared strange. It took me a couple of seconds to recognize the classroom, the other people, and the teacher who was still talking to me.
Apparently, I had passed out, lost consciousness, my circulation had collapsed, and so on... For me, however, it was something completely different altogether...
After falling into a tunnel of light, I found myself in a strange kind of world. I still have problems describing this place although I have returned so many times to explore. And this first time, I was so overwhelmed it was hard finding words at all. Everything felt alright, even really good. The colors were extremely colorful, more than I had ever seen before, and everything was full of beautiful patterns and vivid illumination... I was talking to strange beings, and I spent quite some time there.
Then, they brought me back. My first thought was, leave me alone! I felt that somebody was pulling me out of this perfect coziness, the beings disappeared and the world did as well. The teacher was shaking my shoulder, and I was back in class although it took me a couple of seconds to recognize everything around. I immediately wanted to return, and I even had trouble accepting that this was real at all. The feeling stayed with me for several days. I desperately wanted to go back to this place that felt more real than this world, and I wanted to go on exploring this strange and intriguing place with its wonderfully absurd beings.
Officially, I had passed out during class, and I quickly learned to stick to that version of the story because nobody believed me talking about other worlds... and people even thought I was crazy. However, the experience was so profound that I couldn't stop forgetting my “vivid dreams”. What's more, I received so much calmness and positivity from this experience. I came back with immense trust in myself, a new way of looking at myself and the world, and with an abundance of focused energy. So, it definitely was more than passing out to me right from the very first time.
I was eight years old back then, and it was the beginning of the 1990s somewhere in rural Austria. I frequently passed out in the following years until I learned to better control when/where to let it happen. I definitely enjoyed each experience but I needed some quiet space to get myself together when coming back. So, I quickly learned that busy train stations with lots of travelers and medics, for example, are really stressful locations and should by avoided. First, my family did not worry too much but when the incidents became more frequent, I was sent to the doctor. I was diagnosed with weak circulation, and the doctor prescribed an ergot based medicine that I took three times a day from age twelve to fourteen. It didn't really prevent passing out but I later found out that you can have some fun when overdosing and mixing it with alcohol... (stupid, I know... and mostly irrelevant to the story apart from explaining my unwillingness to talk to doctors about my “condition”)
There have been numerous experiences since then, and I came to accept them as highly important yet mostly secret parts of my life. Friends and family were used to seeing me pass out but I stopped sharing my experiences with them after nobody would understand ... It sometimes made me sad not being able to share that most important “thing” in my life but this was better than being called crazy
Now I found you guys here, and I hope I am right to suspect you might be the kind of community that could maybe appreciate my story. I am still not sure what's happening, and I would welcome any ideas, comments, suggestions, questions, ...
The world is huge, and the experiences differ but these things remain:
no substance I took
prefigured routine (sparks, drone noise, tunnel vision, everything collapsing into light/ later I also found the same but going to a dark place)
other world governed by other laws, strange beings, vivid colors and intricate patterns
numb feeling when I wake up, tingling sensation in legs, arms, nose
great sense of calmness and resting within myself, overall feeling of positivity and connectedness that stays for days, sometimes weeks
best experience in my life, every time... couldn't describe it in another way
really enjoy having sex afterwards, incredibly intense feelings... also the best way for me to make my peace with being stuck here again
induced by strong pain... every time, and cannot be avoided if pain is too much! other, yet much weaker triggers that only work in combination with alcohol, drugs and alike, are music, good sex, intense breathing, a certain technique of smoking bong
I am away for 2-3 minutes most of the time... for me it can feel like ages... the longest time I was away were about 10 minutes after having been run over by a car... the longer I am away, the weaker I am when coming back... it feels like it's immensely exhausting for the body
I was told that sometimes I am gagging as if I would die, this has totally freaked out people
Almost forgot... a strangely metalic taste on my tongue
I tend to love all the people that are around me when I come back... this feeling towards them often stays for months... yet another reason I learned to choose where to let it happen
Please, these experiences are so important to me. I really want to find out more, and hope this might be interesting to some of you as well. Any contribution is highly appreciated :)
Posted in: Other
11 people like this.
So yeah, you're not alone but most people don't wanna hear this shit without writing you off
Like December 18, 2019
We are like John carter's , lol
Like December 18, 2019
Join the astral projection group here on the site
Like December 18, 2019
I would but can't find it... how is it called exactly?
Like December 18, 2019