by on November 7, 2019
To start off with, I've only ever ripped dmt in a vape pen. So I have been excited to try out the water pipe. I am a veteran bong ripper. With marijuana of course. So my technique is very efficient. I also used an electric heating element stick thing to light the dmt/marijuana sandwich, with no flame involved.
My only issue is my only working scale is only .00 and would only register anything at all once at .04
I didnt want to overdue er so I separated approximately a little more than half and took the smaller pile.
I decided to rip my bowl in the bedroom instead of smoke room for comfort of laying down.
I had the wife around for the first time as I wanted the peace of mind knowing that she would take my bong and element lighter thing from me immediately after.
I packed a slightly smaller sized bowl in total than I usually smash. She ripped slower than i expected, and by the time she ripped my thoughts were racing as i passed off my shit to the wife. I quickly crawled backwards to my pillow fron the end of my bed and as I lay my head, that was it. I gently slipped into a dream like state. Natural and familiar. Beautiful. Crazy brief audio sensations. I got a strange sensation in my lower back. I could not describe it at all. No thoughts could come forth for it.
Suddenly I realized things weren't normal and everytime I tried to turn my head, my indescribable crazy visions would change drastically. After a few times I began to feel trapped, and went to cover my eyes. Same thing... more instant changes to visions. I was trapped. I had no control. I just died. I realize this is what happens when you die.
I remember my wife. I remember thinking, I know she's up there, but I cant hear her...and I just left her behind. I suddenly remember the 3 letters DMT, and that I took DMT. I just cant remember what it is! But somehow I knew I'd be alright I just have to let go! I enjoyed more deep visions and learned many things. I then remembered that I miss my life and that I need to try to get back! Or do something productive.
I then tried to open my eyes.
Suddenly everything disappears and I see a giant dark whiteish rectangle. That is my ceiling.
I now sense myself breathing. I am alive! Then i remember i wanted to be there! So i shut my eyes and couldnt get back as deep as i was before. But wasn't disappointed. After a minute or so of that I turn over and open my eyes, experiencing moderate shroom like visual distortion. I ask my wife how long I was out for.
She kinda laughed to herself and said like 3 minutes.
For having broken through several times on the pen I was expecting to be more prepared for this.
This shit had me convince myself that i died.
I love it!
Posted in: DMT, Cannabis
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