by on October 31, 2019
going in i left my body and it was like timewarping through this portal that was deeply layered, through this kaleidoscope like patterned of infinite dimensions, i remember 2 still places where i was with these entities, the first one felt like it was a young child that wanted to play a game with me, it was dancing in front of me and there was this vibration building up and it kept asking me if i feel it and am i starting to get it, when the vibration peaked it dropped the floor i was standing on out from beneath me and i time warped through dimensions again, the next still place i arrived, felt like i was with our creator who kept showing me how much it loves us and kept giving this overwhelming message and feeling of its infinite love to me and it was the most powerful feeling i have ever felt, then it revealed to me its secret message of what this whole expierience was and he revealed it to me in such a clever way that it was his big secret all along and this is his creation for us, we are spiritual beings having a physical expierience in a 3 dimensional construct, where we can physically love each other. it slowly let me go while showing me its love and reason of why and i then travelled through these dimensions really fast and found myself back in my body and my mind was completely blown.
Posted in: DMT
16 people like this.
Shib Miester
That sounds like an amazing experience. Any idea how much DMT you put in the cone?
Like November 8, 2019
DMT Seeker
Like November 11, 2019
Like November 19, 2019