by on October 28, 2019

I inhaled about 25 mg of dmt smoke and the entire room around me became focused completely on the fragrance burner, so I put it down inside a small container. There was a song playing called 'Lotus Garden Spaces' by the Desert Dwellers and it put me into absolute bliss as I laid on my back to begin my journey. Immediatly the ceiling above me began to open sort of slowly, and when I say open I mean it was like there was a small black hole that continuously got bigger and bigger. Eventually everything around me was black but I could still hear the music slowly coming in and out. Small, multicolored kaleidoscopes began to form and everything became chillingly silent. It was so quiet so I decided to say "wow, this is amazing!" and instantly I could tell by the sound of my voice that I was somewhere else. My entire body was in complete bliss and I was aware that I was nothing but also everything, and that in the end, everything will indeed be okay. Love you guys. :star2::heartpulse:

Posted in: DMT
26 people like this.
go to the dmt extraction group brother
Like October 29, 2019
If you haven't heard Wandering Sadhu... check it out as well.. !!
Like October 29, 2019
Ok i asked to join the group
Like October 30, 2019
Lol I haven’t even gotten in there yet... I was wondering if it was invite only..
Like October 30, 2019