
The Mushroom Man
by on April 13, 2019
I have a friend who stands by this, and does it every so often. However I doubt that I will be playing with dissociatives any time soon.
I had a bottle of dxm. It was about the size of a five hour energy drink. Maybe this is my fault, but I drank the entire thing.
The dissociative experience is considered hallucinogenic but it is far from psychedelics. I initially felt really good. My head was swimming, my chest was warm. After a fashion however I started getting these intense hot flashes like I was covered in fire ants. My heart felt out of pace. I began to slide from my body, but instead of going on a journey, I remained close by, watching the madness unfold on the couch.
I have experienced ego death via lsd before and it was intense. But the dissociative ego death I experienced that night scared the living shit out of me.
I watched myself dying as my life flashed before my eyes. At a point when the burning was too intense, when I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer, when I was certain I was face to face with my maker, I surrendered to my doom and fell to sleep.
I didn't wake up sober. 3 days after the trip I was still feeling like I may have a heart attack. Every time I tried to smoke to calm down I peaked all over again (at least for a little while).
My friend also says he's never had that reaction, maybe that's just how my body responds to the experience, maybe I just got unlucky and got a bummer as my first experience. I don't know, but that's my experience
Posted in: Other
Topics: dissociative.
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When I left nursing I began my journey of herbal medicine and that is some of the reason I am here contemplating a trip. I have some very important questions I would like to have answered if the spirits will enlighten me. And assist me on my alchemical journey. But, yes I do have a really high toler... View More
Like April 21, 2019 Edited
I also have no fear of death. I have already learned to let go. But all those incidents were just lessons. It has not been the time yet. I wish to experience my death as the climax of a life lived to the fullest. And I wish to leave lots of love and service in my wake. I feel that very few things in... View More
Like April 21, 2019
Patricia morrison
Wow that sounds so scary and intense
Like April 21, 2019
Dude just surrender to the beauty and the love it’s fucking awesome... ego loss is great it showed me my God and where I’ll go when I die and honestly it’s fucking great
Like July 22, 2019