by on September 3, 2019

Ive been taking ormus (mono atomic gold) through out the day..its not the first time ive taken it but its the first time where i just kept re dosing through out the day..i think ive taken over 2 grams of it by now..its not home made..its the purest form of can you tell the ormus is pure..the ormus powder is pure when it does NOT have a salty should taste like powdery..but ever so slighty metallic..the powdered mono atomic gold should feel slightly gritty in the mouth..for me it starts working after feels so feel mentally clear..yet a little out of it was hard to write this while being on this feel it through the body calming euphoria..every breath feels soo good in a beautiful euphoric way..i feel funnier. Feel more like the trippy version of myself mindset third eye is vibrating..some points through out the day i felt like i was on a micro dose of Lsd or something..i thought i was trailing but i was also smoking cannabis through out day like i do everyday..but time was also weird..making food in the kitchen felt timeless..felt like i was in the kitchen for hours but it was only mins...i feel no anxiety..just mentally stimulated..i feel it also helps me see better..and hear better but also see clearer in my head..meaning if i think of a red car .in my head its soooo much more vivid..i think about what i want in my life..i can in vison myself there soo much more clearer with details...sometimes its slightly intense so sometimes i need to take a deep breath..ive felt more empathetic all day..just more lovey..its been a beautiful blissed out day on ormus..rose gold ormus to be specific so it also has mono atomic platinum in it as well as mono atomic gold....going to the store now..this walk is gonna be amazing 

Posted in: Other
9 people like this.
Amazing. Didnt realize that stuff made such a difference
Like September 4, 2019
Nice! I've been thinking about getting ormus, but I can't decide from where to buy.
Like September 4, 2019
Beginning my journey with Ormus tomorrow. Thank you for sharing your story.
Like September 9, 2019
Never heard of this but sounds amazing. Where can you get this? Now dream market has closed down I’m at a loss!
Like September 9, 2019