Suburban Hippie
by on August 17, 2019
Okay brace yourself this is a long one. The story begins with me and my best friend seconding that we want to take two and a half tabs each, but there’s a slight problem, we only have two tabs. So we’re sitting in the parking lot of a nearby grocery store searching through our phones trying to find someone else with some acid. We decide that we’re just gonna go ahead and drop the first tab and then if we find some more we’ll drop then when we get them. So we’re sitting there with the tabs on our tongue waiting for a response from somebody when finally my friends phone rings. We finally got some more the only thing was we had to drive two exits down the highway to pick it up. At this point the acid had not kicked in yet and it was a probably about a ten minute drive from where we were so i went ahead and drove. I DO NOT CONDONE OR RECOMMEND DRIVING ON ANY PSYCHEDELIC IT CAN BE EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. anyways. We made it to the apartments and got our other 3 tabs splitting the third one in half between the two of us. The apartment complex was a few hundred yards away from a new outlet mall that they had just built so we decided to go there and walk around for a bit. We both dropped the other 1 and a half tabs and started walking around. Now this is where it starts to get trippy. I’m not sure if you guys are familiar with a store called Spencer’s but it’s basically a stoner/clothing/sex toy/gag gift shop yeah it’s a little weird if you’ve been there u know what i mean. So i start to get a big smile that i just can’t get rid of and i know the acid is starting to come on. My friend puts a quarter in a gumball machine but it takes his quarter unfortunately so we ask the clerk if we can get it back. He unlocks the tray where all the quarters fall and jokingly say “hahaha you guys can go ahead and have all the quarters” now both of us coming up on acid can tell very well that he’s joking and reach for the quarters in excitement but he quickly pulls away telling us that he was just kidding hahahaha. Disappointed we wait for him to put the tray back in so my friend can get his gum ball. Now i notice the colors getting brighter and then is when i warn my friend that we need to leave NOW so we can get back to the trap shack ( i’ll explain what the trap shack is later) before i can’t drive. As soon as we get to my car and i unlock it i sit down and grab the steering wheel. It felt as if tho my car was a clown car and i was this humongous person inside, the steering wheel began to bend in my hands. now once again like i said before i do not condone driving under the influence this was honestly a very stupid decision that i haven’t made again but anyways i started the car and the journey to the trap shack began...
9 people like this.
Of course we want to hear part 2! This sounds like a wild one. Can't wait to hear the details.
Like August 18, 2019
Suburban Hippie
i’ll write it up today 1f642.png @EvenInWonderland16
Like August 18, 2019
Will you tag me, so I know when it's up? Please?
Like August 18, 2019
Great part 1! Bring on part 2!
Like August 18, 2019
I could binge on these posts!
Like August 20, 2019