by on March 26, 2019

Summer of 2016 DMT finally came to me after about 8 months of researching it. A call by a friend at 9pm asking if i wanted to try dmt. I was estatic. He picks me up and we go to a field in his car. Packed 80mg sandwiched in between weed(something i wouldnt do now) i took it and after holding in for 10 seconds the effects started. I immediately start going back for the rest in the bowl, things are now getting that HD color tron look, shapes of color were pulsing from the cherry in the bowl. As i exhaled the last word i said was woah lol. eyes were opened during this as the field i was in wasnt the best setting for me to let go completely, something i immediately regretted. At first just crazy fractal color stuff, then what i describe as "tiles" of reality started twisting, revealing a world on the otherside, they were hundreds of entities trying to get my attention throught the tiles, some positive looking others kind of just, default, if that makes sense. I look around the car and my friends face looks tribal , as symbols crawled over it to. All while entities are forming in front of me then morphing into other stuff. I remember seeing these cell looking machines, like when in school you make a diagram to see the inside of a cell, shaped like that but with a machine feel and "bands" making it up. I eventually got outside and laid in the grass, looking up to the sky i see more entities, but one HUGE female one just "swimming" in the sky, the stars looked as glitter falling down to me, i got the feeling she knew i was watching her. Truely a magical feeling at this point. I slowly came back. I saw about 1000 entities during this, but could only really remember or describe like 5-6.. Only ever had entities couple times after and always just a couple beings, not a city square worth lol.  With all my research i never could have prepared for the experience :)

Posted in: DMT
Topics: dmt, psychedelics
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interesting, just looked up what the symbol is.. was worn by women in rome to protect against evil spirits..
Like March 26, 2019
<a href='' class='thickbox'><img class='uploaded_image' src=''></a>
Like March 26, 2019
Interesting that you chose this symbol. What does that mean to you in relation to your trip?
Like March 26, 2019
only thing that comes to mind was that it was female entity dominated experience and no negative entities, even tho some looked eerie aha.. wish i had looked it up sooner, didnt think it would mean something irl.. again tho it was just one of many symbols, just the easiest to remember
Like March 26, 2019 Edited
Jung would say that all symbols are universal and that some symbols though they may not mean anything to us at face value, they may in a deeper more hidden level. I think that maybe this image appealed to you because you may have understood it more than you would think.
Like March 26, 2019
that makes sense, ive got jungs book Psychology and Alchemy but havnt finished it yet, but i remember the part on dream symbolism which he talks about the symbols of the unconscious etc.. i got to finish it so i can apply it to my next journey 1f642.png
Like March 26, 2019
Nice I have not read that one yet. I have it on my list. I have read parts of it from the collective works on dreams, but was a bit upset when I found out that was not one of his collective works and decided to read the whole thing. Were you the one who was getting the golden flower? That seems like... View More
Like March 26, 2019