The Mushroom Man
by on June 24, 2019

The phrase, to be at 6's and 7's implies that you are at a loss, or in a state of ineptitude where you cannot reliably take acton.

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I was staring down the barrel of a heavy trip. I knew it would be heavy, because 5 grams of dried mushrooms is considered a heroic dose and i was about to do seven. I'm a man who likes to trip. I have had some really beautiful experiences with lsd, but i hadn't really begun getting into mushrooms until recently. i didn't know exactly what to expect. but i liked an eighth. loved 5g, and now i wanted to take on 7. my wife requested 6. so we do our lemon tek and we drink our mushrooms and retire to the bedroom for the evening. we have everything we need and i even connected my phone to the bed speakers so we could listen to the beatles.

     the first thing i become aware of is how strange the beatles sounded. the songs were slower than i remembered, the notes seemed to drag and it had a sort of watery echo to it. after a moment i became aware of how strange my breathing sounded, like a gentle breeze on a quiet, tranquil island.

as always, my wife tripped harded than i did. she actually took control for a short while. at her direction, we slid back and forth across the bed almost swimming while she led us on a wonderful moment in time. "feel the ocean, ride the waves". she had tuned in to the planet. but the planet isnt all rainbows and sunshine and her mood quickly shifted dark. she had begun crying, not for herself, but for the planet. she could feel the planet being tortured. i talked her down by promising her we would be more green and encourage others to do the same. its not enough, but its a start. somehow, she fell asleep.

   at this point i should tell you i was suffering from a couple of side effects from the mushrooms. i had a really nasty case of the shroom farts had to rush downstairs every few minutes to power piss and somehow i barely made it every time. a little annoying, but not enough to ruin my trip. 

after a few trips to the bathroom i sit down at the top of my stairs to rest. i don't know how long i sat there but i went into a dark void of nothing for what felt like an eternity. when i came to, i realized that it was impossible for my wife to have fallen asleep as fast as she did. The only rationale explanation... I MUST HAVE KILLED HER! I couldnt remember doing it, but i must have. I was trying to figure out how to tell my kids (who were not home) i was sorry for taking their mother away. then i would have to turn myself in. i didn't know much. there were only 2 things that were certain at that time. 1. i had killed my wife and 2. if i turned on the light at this moment my hands would be covered in blood. then, from the bedroom behind me, i hear my wife do a half snore and mutter something unintelligible. the relief i felt at that moment was impossible to measure. i took another power piss, let out a few more seriously heinous farts. crawled into bed and closed my eyes. i don't remember anything after that

Posted in: Psilocybin
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The Mushroom Man
Well said man. It was definitely an amazing night. I think that came out because I was really nervous about taking the dose. I didn't know what to expect because I've heard and read all sorts of crazy shit on those levels
Like June 26, 2019