Trip Reports
I just had an amazing experience. I didn't chicken out this time. After taking a few gel tabs, I decided to hit my yocan four times and omg! Yes!!! I literally watched a serpent open me reach in and take what was blocking me and my family from abundance. It told me it was doing so. It had to I'm scared to death of snakes lol. It constantly reassured me that it was OK and only here to help me and she did amd this was all very real but very cgi too. Now something happened I was definitely not expecting. Out of all of this color and wonder a hole opened up at the top and I saw thru the circle like real life people but it was still surrounded by dmt realm. Then a little girl popped her head over and looked down that hole at me and it freaked me tf out so I "hid" somehow and I remember being like wtf? Who was that? And I was wisked away on another mystical journey but as I was coming back from the dmt realm to here I saw the circle one more time and the girl not so shy this time and she was like it's ok your home.
Posted in: DMT, Meditation
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