by on January 7, 2025

  There's a very gratifying feeling that I get each time I introduce DMT to somebody for the first time. I'm super grateful that Yesterday I got a chance to be a part of someones profound experience And I really do take extra measures to ensure that . For example my trip room is set up with black lights and tapestries of Tranquil waterfalls mushrooms and astronauts in outer space Or on other planets And everything else is tidy and clean and I make it a point to explain to every individual The things that I have learned from other people along the way of how to treat DMT with the utmost respect that it commands. I explained to them that this is like no other psychedelic in the world And it's not a party drug That there shouldn't be any talking or anything else going on at the time you take a hit of DMT. Like you shouldn't be Doing anything else other than laying back and closing your eyes and going with the experience. I even go into great detail about the job of a trip sitter that there should be no talking or anything to distract the person smoking DMT from having a truly divine experience there's nothing more frustrating than being distracted right at a pinnacle moment of your trip. I also go out of my way to make sure that they know they're in a safe space and I am right here To make sure nothing bad happens. I also put on some frequency Sounds And I play some really dope Tunes from my playlist that involves artists such as Zero7, mozez and Tina Dico Which is in my opinion is Truly VIBE. All these things contribute to the door being swung wide open for a truly fascinating experience and I'm super grateful to be there and witness these and I quote "life changing moments'' It's so gratifying!

 All that is great but here's the thing, when I Smoke DMT nothing happens Anymore. I used to think it was because I make DMT cartridges and I'm always testing them to make sure that they are working properly but that's not the case because I've gone several weeks without smoking any dmt and then still nothing's happening anymore I mean I feel the head change and I feel that feeling that you get would you know it's working but the thing is I'm not seeing anything I'm not experiencing anything and everything is just blank no patterns no breakthroughs no entities and it's been this way for a long time in fact if I do see things they tend to be things that are Lacking any vibrant colors or patterns and seem to be very dark and ugly. I feel like dmt world is not letting me in And it feels like I'm banned from or have been denied access to dmt world. Has anybody else experienced this? Have I been banned? What the hell is going on? how can I change it? 

Posted in: DMT
Topics: no trip report
2 people like this.
you’re definitely right, the other plants will probably let this guy work with them. I still eat mushrooms no problem, the trips are trips, some pleasant some difficult, always helpful. I only eat them on the solstices and equinoxes now.
Like January 8, 2025
I think the same about the plants.
Like January 8, 2025
This sucks. Is it possible that I shut myself out By using God's name As a cloak at times to protect myself from being infiltrated by evil Or demonic spirits Because I certainly have done that. Because I certainly have at times during a session felt the presence of dark and demonic energy trying to ... View More
Like January 8, 2025
No honestly I don't think it has anything to do with you using God's name as protection, as grounding, as your source of light and power to keep the evil unwanted energies away....... maybe it you're eagerness still wanting to go back in so badly but I don't honestly know.
Like January 8, 2025 Edited