by on June 12, 2019
an outside influence made me eat the mushrooms by signalling me from the sky, i tried to ignore them but they wouldnt let me, they told me it was my time so i went to my bedroom and opened the bag of mushrooms and they chose the amount, most beautiful mushrooms ive ever seen i ate them and once i finished the last bite they kicked in instantly, different then an y time before a new feeling ive never felt and i was beiing pulled toward my bedroom, but i faught it and had a couple smokes and drank a beer after that i gave in and went to . my bedroom, i shut off the lights and was in a new level of darkness, i laid down and put on my noise cancelling headphones without music to experience complete darkness and silence to avoid outside distraction within a minute entities werte all around me in my bedroom, they were flawless perfectly synchronized "robots"... Machine elves ? .. they were hard at work constantly building our reality i saw that we were inside a machine, computer program, the matrix. and everything was perfectly synchronized my face melted and i froze in aw by how magnificent these beings were and how complex and beyond what my mind is supposed to be able to handle i observed them for a long tiume and tried to talk to them but they didnt respond, they just kept building and rearranging everything then a voice from this dimension in my house came through as a distroted echo and snapped me out of the trance and i watched them slowly dematerialize i went outside for a smoke and a beer and tried to process what i just saw, and the ufos were still in the sky signalling me with blinding flashes i eventually went back inside and tried to bring the entities back and thats when the ego death started happening. the beings leading me through it were killing me, and i was fighting it they were telling me that is time to let go and die but i was scared, i was trying to tell myself that it is just a trip and i have to ride it out it kept getting harder and harder, the fight became more intense. i started trying to ease into it with anything i could think about to help comfort it but they started disabling anything i wanted and then eventually the only thing left in my mind was to keep breathing and ride it out until they wore off. and thats when I became trapped in limbo. my body was stuck in a continuous loop and time stopped i was forced to face my demons and let go. once i did that, i died. the moment i died the shrooms wore off and i came back reborn. I killed a shadow version of myself, it no longer exists, everything from my entire life that built up, all the stress and negativity is completely gone. For the first time ever my mind isn't clouded, it's clear. It's like a clean slate.
Since this trip work has gotten better, I've quit smoking completely, I'm working out every day after my labour intensive job as a framer and then after the gym I swim laps, just getting in way better shape. My diet is way better, no junk food whatsoever. And I'm just all around happier and full of life, nothing bothers me anymore and nobody stands in the way of my goals and dreams.
Most valuable experience of my life.
Posted in: Psilocybin
11 people like this.
There's a lot more to it but this is the gist of it
Like June 12, 2019
Thank you for sharing! Peace and love on your journey <3
Like October 17, 2019 Edited
Not sure why is ??? Sorry should be !!!^^^
Like June 12, 2019
The new site is having issues processing certain emojis it seems. Like the mushroom emoji turns into question marks haha
Like June 12, 2019
Incredible, wow what a life changing experience.
Like June 12, 2019