by on November 10, 2024
I had the right atmosphere and some mantra going on in the background. Took 5 big hauls and there I was back in the DMT relm. I was standing on this edge of the universe when I turned into an eagle and flew around landing to become myself in human form again where I saw this gold egyptian god in a big white portal the gold egyptian god sorta looked like a bird with a long face and i wasnt scared of it oddly enough. When i looked at it, i could see its eyes looking at me so intently full of knowledge. The golden egyptian entity said he is here and let the blue lady from my first session out of the portal to see me. The blue lady was bursting with joy and love and excitement and swirling morphing spinning changing forming beautifull butterfly fairy like wings with the most spectacular colours and she was over the moon with bliss elated to see me again. Spinning yayyyyyy!! swirling, you came back!!!! Yaaaayy!! looking at her heart glowing red with love with over the moon excitement that gave me the most beautiful feeling that I have ever felt in the history of my life. She said to me, " I am are me....we are with the universe." It's like she was over elated to see me, the spectacle of her spinning swirling and morphing was so beautiful with the most amazing colours. She took me to this water where we swam in this florescent luminesce water and the feeling of joy was extrodinary beautifull. She took me to this place where I saw a mantle with a book on it. While I was looking at this book and mantle she started to disappear and this other entity came as I was looking to see where she went. The entity said to me if you want to know the secret of the universe remember 369 and the key to this book of knowledge is within you. I took the book and placed it inside me where it was safe. It put it's hands out and so did I as i was looking out the beautifull lady came back and i said oh there you are and she waved goodbye as i came back to reality.
Wow what a experience! I am humbled to feel that love.
Posted in: DMT
Topics: dmt
6 people like this.
That's so beautiful! I hope I can experience something alike someday. 2665.png
Like November 11, 2024