by on July 15, 2024
I was bored and my parents were working
And I bought 150 mcg lsd yesterday so i didn’t think much and takes the whole thing
40 minutes passed and was feeling euphoric but not visually so I started vaping hhc And 20 minutes later I got the feeling that I’m walking in infinite don’t know how to describe every time I stood up it felt like I’m bigger than my house it felt like I’m 4 meters and Al I could was looking forward like a tunnel so only walking forward idk how I was slapping myself in the face hard but It didn’t fix anything it felt like I’m in a video game everything was 2D
It was not a bad trip but neither a good trip because i was scared that my parents would find out (I was just panicking if was just relaxed everything would be good)
My tip for beginners that want to try lsd first check what’s legale. in my country it is illegale so I bought online 1p-lsd it’s a research chemical so it’s legale
100 mcg was a good start for me but don’t do it in the later time because you can’t sleep
Don’t do it in 19:00-00:00
My tip
You don’t need a trip sitter if you know that you ready and you have the right dose then everything is fine.
Soon im gonna report a 5meo Dmt trip
My English is not the best guys sorry.
Have a safe/good time:)
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