by on July 7, 2024

I took ibogaine most recently at precisely 600-700mg every day, in the mornings when i would wake up. It had taken me about a month.  Give or take a few days. I thought that it had changed my behaviors.

Beginning with iboga root bark i began putting a good effort into my daily routine again as i hadnt been so focused with it. I started making more of an effort with my daily routine. By the end of my trip i had gotten to see myself get better at doing these things regularly. 

To start, i just wanted to quit doing some things that had cost me too much money to keep spending my money with. I had the idea that I'd learned to use less kratom, while I was still smoking lots of weed. Im not buying things uncontrollably as I was. I can handle myself better that way. Im focusing on holding everything together. I would say I am doing well. I am not buying compulsively as I did before this experience. 

My actions have changed as if maturing. In that last month i  have given up on relying on my father for some extra cash. I decided I would give it some distance.  Then, I'd go and I would handle my issues by myself. I don't want him around.

Altogether, I am happier with myself than where this had started with the ibogaine therapy. One thing i noticed that had changed over this time period is my idea of having friends. Now, i will look back at all the time that i  would have spent wanting someone like a new friend, a girlfriend, and a family who loves me. What i saw is that i can surpass this boundary issue. I can look past it all and get over friendships outside of me altogether.

I am now far more clear inside that I only had needed to take care of myself.  I needed more personal space. I feel like more of a man who has pride, and that I can handle my own self easier. My family, and particular friends had been holding me back from reaching my goals. Im more focused on myself. 

I feel more distance from them than I ever had before. I think that this is a good thing, and that I had needed space. I can see clear that there has been a lifelong change in the ways I feel.  Those same temptations do not hold me back. I feel a  long needed  release of stress.  Pressure in my skull has died down.  That made me feel happier, altogether.

Posted in: Ibogaine
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