by on June 8, 2024

After taking my 3.6g of PE6 Rose Tea I immediately went to the couch and played some music on the TV since I didn't want to be distracted by my phone, this was done on Wednesday not to long ago. For music I decided to go with EDM and of course any other songs with a good beat or meaning. This trip was necessary because I have been suffering mentally and of course have been dealing with cutting off my loved ones including my close friend and mentor, it's all due to my Wifey not having work and being pressured to going MGTOW in order for me to save myself financially, however, even if I'm not legally married my heart doesn't want to do that and I'm doing everything I can to be supportive of her to find work so we can continue life without any interruptions, I'm also going to be honest I have been slipping back into Alcohol which hasn't been good, I worked incredibly hard to stay away from drinking regularly but unfortunately due to all of the pressure and negative energy along with being told what to do with my life it has pushed me to that limit, reason why I was eager to get back to healing. Once the tea kicked in I started seeing insane patterns and eventually it became more intensely visual, out of nowhere I started getting sent to a different place and started hearing Gods voice, he said Son I love you, you are a child of mine, saw some Angelic beings and some light being shown, he kept telling me that I give you unique challenges as a test to see how much faith you have in me, and he went on and mentioned that the reason why I have been overwhelmed by those that love me is because they do care about me, however, I have also learned that those that do love me may have other motives with me and therefore may not have my best interest in mine, after my conversation with God I got sent to a hallway filled with demons, saw the devil again himself which it has been quite awhile since I have encountered him on a trip, I saw unique occult symbolism including 33° which I know my grandfather favorite math problem to help me with was 3x3 as a kid, I started having my moments battling with my demons basically and I saw an angel on my right shoulder and my demon on the left shoulder, I then saw the demon in me and realize that I to am a demon, a demon who needs to fix himself and not to be casted off to hell like I was going to be stuck in, after I saw every Esoteric meaning that related to me I left the hallway of demons and started noticing my sweet little dog having an intense dream as I was going through an intense moment myself. After I started coming back down Call On Me Radio Mix by Eric Prydz, it started getting me on the more empathetic side and made me think about how hard my Wifey has been trying to find work but again nothing good has happened for her and it ends up affecting me. However, I have gotten to the feeling that I need to practice LOVE and Patience more like God wanted me to, he also doesn't want me to end up in a hallway filled with demons since I deserve to be in the light with everyone else. Later on I heard this awesome EDM remix called "Goosebumps" and what amazed me was how when I looked at my vinyl floor it turned into Shreks swamp and it bubbled to the beat! After having  fun time collecting my thoughts from the peak it was time for me to go to sleep, after I woke up the next day, I feel more positive if not stronger in my faith with God and more importantly giving time for things to work out and more importantly acknowledge the love of my family and friends while establishing healthy boundaries in order to safeguard my relationship. Like my in laws said, even if I'm not married legally yet or in the Church (I'm a Roman Catholic who has gotten to love the faith more after learning that there is occult meaning behind it all and of course how some Saints had gifts like levitation and stuff, meditation is also a big part of the faith) my commitment started from the time of my engagement and that in order for me to be trusted to marry I can't walk out like that, sadly some people won't understand, but I do and I know what I need to do. Just like reading the book of Job and understanding his struggles, he never gave up his faith no matter how bad things were for him, and therefore I need to be more like Job and more importantly practice LOVE, PATIENCE and KINDNESS. In the end, no one understands my relationship with my Wifey or God better than me and therefore I need to go with my heart and to listen to what the Lord tells me, that there is excercising my masculinity by being good man to my woman and giving her my full support! 

Posted in: Psilocybin