by on May 28, 2019
I'll start out by saying I'm very well versed in almost every psychedelic and then some.
I was already on more things than I should of been (alcohol;not alot; small dose of alprazolam, marijuana, and then thought it would be good to hit some harmalas on top of all that) everything was good so I told my wife let's hit some dmt. I took the first puff, held it in and no smoke. All reality had shifted from 3D to 2D. This usually always freaks me out and I stop there but I closed my eyes took the second hit. Then unknowingly I guess I took a 3rd. All the sudden I fell back into this whiteness. I was then surrounded by all my loved ones, dad, mom, brothers, and sisters. They all surrounded me yell you here finally! I was so confused and the only thing I could think was OH NO I DID IT! I'm dead /: I couldn't speak and everytime I tried all that came out was garbled and I was thrown into ego death. I was snap back and attempt it again. Then all the sudden I heard my wife's voice calming me. I closed my eyes on both sides and slowly slowly started to slow down enough to talk to her. When I started to get grounded I see her beautiful face but I was still weird with these tentacles wrapping around it. I was confused and thought maybe I was still there and I was just getting use to it at first. Then I slowly started to piece together what happened.
My wife said I started screaming while over there and foaming at the mouth. My legs got banged up pretty bad. I felt so bad for scaring her.
All in all a very very realistic and overwhelming experience I'm not sure I would want to experience again.
Posted in: DMT, Other
11 people like this.
Ty! I'm scared af to try it. Still deciding on which tek to use
Like June 3, 2019
Being scared is a natural response. Sometimes you just have to be smart about it but still dive in
Like June 3, 2019
Thank You. I'm so excited/scared. This is gonna sound weird but I feel like this has been calling me too it. NOBODY I know wants to even talk about it. I'm all for it. Scared af and all
Like June 3, 2019
Once you got here you will understand why it's calling to you more. You'll get dejavu usually and have your people with you there. Whomever they may be. It seems different for everyone but generally I either see massive entities like Ganesha or other world beings that seems to be well documented thr... View More
Like June 3, 2019
You hit the nail on the head with de ja vu. It's been happening more and more. I'm not sure wether or not it's just me looking for signs or they're really calling me
Like June 3, 2019
I think more and more what it is showing me is that we conjure the next life. If we can't make this one beautiful then how will the next one be. We take whatever we do to hell or heaven. It's up to us to make all this beautiful.
Like June 3, 2019