by on March 19, 2022

I found this write up of my first Melmac expierence last summer, i was gifted some Melmac swabs from @IamUrme after growing PE6 and posting about it.

The day before the journey i had picked 42 grams fresh and put them in the fridge in a paper bag, the next day it was time and I started preparing them, when I put them on the scale again it said 32 grams.. I thought huh, wut? A mistake i guess? I made it 42 gram again.. Chopped it all up and put it to lemon tek. Then I realized that some moisture must have been evaporated in the paper bag they were in, resulting in lighter mushies. Anyway i lost track of the dose a little bit but it turend out to be sufficient.

I sat on my bed meditating and slowly consuming the juice and pulp.. After a short while I already felt the effect and not long after i was immersed in beautiful visuals! Really flamboyant, a bit DMT like. Then suddenly a black energy cluster floated towards me.. I was lying on the bed with my eyes closed and I saw this dark energy cluster hanging above me and it felt like there was something heavy pushing me into the matress, a very physical feeling. It scared me, I wanted to open my eyes and look for a distraction but i stayed strong and wondered what the meaning is of this event. Then all of a sudden I saw my new upstairs neighbors (I don't want to judge but amfetamine is their thing, not the best vibe) I started spiraling down and felt really bummed out since i was completly off my face (this was the first trip to the deeper layers of the mushroom experience, before i was tripping on 5 to 6 grams "normal" cubes) Anyway, I kept control of the ship. At one point I had to go to the toilet, when I sat on the toilet where I think I've been sitting for a long time, something changed. I went super deep and saw a very clear and crisp hallucination of Jezus being crusified, a very dramatic image.. Then the mushroom did something remarkable! It started to explaining something with vison. I was zooming in on the crusifiction to the point that i was present at a sub-atomical scale, suspendid in a matrix, a field of particles. Very clearly i could see that the particals which build our realitie are positively OR negatively charged. I could see that its the interaction between + and - that creates movement, movement that creates frequencies and frequenscies are interpreted by mind into reality. I was catapulted from a sub-atomical to a cosmic realm, the same dance of positive and negative forces was happing there, as above so below, energy dancing and interacting with itself in a everlasting flux, moving from order to disorder and back. All the sudden i was back at the crucifiction, only to see that all the drama was desolved and i realized at once that its all energy. I understood that good and bad are human concepts, that good and bad are actually interpretations of positive and negative energies that are attracting and repelling eachother with an epic experience as a result. I don't know if this sounds sensible but the puzzle pieces fell into place so beautifully that I bursted out into tears of happiness. That dark nasty part I went through was necessary to feel that side of life for a moment, to be confronted with it and then to be followed by a very deep messege. I think it is very interesting that the mushroom uses religion and science to tell a story about energies, it really helps me to better understand the necessity of "bad" things happening. I sat on the couch afterwards and I felt like a million bucks, like I came fresh out of the box! Everything around me was illuminated and swaying left and right, it was really fantastic. The day after i was completely full of positive energy and ready to live life! Thanks Melmac!

Thanks for reading and Mush Love

Posted in: Psilocybin
13 people like this.
Its facinating isnt it, how the mushroom uses these examples to transfer a message. Really changes your perspective on things 1f642.png
Like March 23, 2022
I'm so glad I read this. I just joined this community. Interesting the use of religious imagery. I actually came here to share a DMT experience I had last year where I met angels and saw "the throne room" like in Ezekiel's vision. Even more interesting, I didn't know what Ezekiel's vision was and ba... View More
Like April 27, 2022
If you desire to read my experience, it's on my wall. If you have any thoughts at all, if anything comes to mind, please share.
Like April 27, 2022
Hey brother, i red your report and would love talk more about it, are you on discord aswell?
Like April 27, 2022