by on March 1, 2022
Hike was challenging, lsd doesn't enhance my performance. Lost my ego a few kms in. I don't recommend. 500ug is plenty enough for visuals and an amazong time... I couldn't navigate at all. Thought I died and was living a dream.
Wild roses, american dogwood and a very beautiful variety of trees and other plants poking up through the snow made this trip one to remember.
8 people like this.
Hiking on acid is awesome. I do recommend this. Must dose moderately not heavily. I was crying and completely dead
Like March 1, 2022
Its crazy how lsd can be similar towards mushrooms in effects with high doses of lsd. I find better visuals with lsd. More guaranteed visuals, essentially. But lsd at high doses definitely separates me very similarly at high doses. I cried to my brother because i thought i was dying and strived as... View More
Like March 2, 2022
ONLY works if this was your brother... atleast for me... my blood brother is just about the only person i could trust enough to guide me emotionally and spiritually on a dose/hike like this...
Like March 2, 2022
We are half brothers. Met him later in life, but we adventure everywhere together. River riding or cave exploring. I introduced him to lsd! Lol he wants whatever haopened to me. He said 1 mg. He swallows his doses too soon.
Like March 2, 2022