Trip Reports
So... I've only done DMT a couple times with mixed results, it was amazing every time but varied levels of amazing. I've done a bunch of reading on technique, ritual, set and setting but hadn't put anything to practice. I had been meditating on the idea of trying it by myself with no one around. I was pretty terrified of the idea of being blasted off without a safety net but felt compelled to do it...
I got sick with covid at the beginning of January and gave up alcohol and cannabis. I also changed my eating habits for the better. I feel amazing.
With my body in better shape and my mind focused I decided that I'd make this solo journey last Thursday. I used the last of my vacation time and hot out of work around 12:30. I came home very focused on my intention. I had found a 3 hour YouTube, earlier in the week and put it on. I went to the bathroom, took a long hot shower followed but a 5 min cold rinse. I dried off and stayed in my cleansed naked state. I weighed out .10 grams and loaded my device. Still meditating on my intentions I set the pen aside and layer out some blankets directly in fron of the pellet stove and did about 15-20 min of yoga, the dog joined in too. Once my mind was clear of everything but my intention I moved the blankets to a small couch near the pellet stove and laid down. I took a few deep breaths for the final preparation...
Slowly and deeply pulling that first hit I stayed focused on my intention. Taking two breaths after and started my second hit I started to worry that I had done something wrong because I wasn't feeling anything. Going back to take my second hit I realized that it was coming on slow and deep. Toward the end of my second hit I was totally blasted off. I'm not sure I actually held that second hit in.
In the most beautiful, gentle way I've experienced so far I was blasted into another place at hyper speed. I felt like I was moving forward through a space made of every color you've ever seen and all the ones we haven't. The first few seconds were slow but gaining momentum then WHAM, Hyperdrive! I went through all the colors and in an instant there was light.
Thursday was a bit of a grey day here but not unpleasant. As I came out of the beautiful place I was shown that the place I was returning to was not the place I had left. I was shown that when I was preparing for this journey I was already in. I went in deeper and when I came out I went past myself in the place I thought I had started from. Inception in reverse.
This was the single most profound experience of my life.
I know it was a long read but thank you for taking the time. ????????????????
Posted in: DMT