by on July 6, 2021

I have had many 3 to 3.5 gram experiences with GT's and B+'s. I was Microdosing for a while and then stopped for a few months. i recently finished a bunch of work and had some time since I was starting a short week long summer break July 3rd. Things have been really better in my life so I haven't need them. I had some time on Saturday(July 3rd) evening so around 8pm I decided to take abou 3.5 grams(LemonTek). This time I took 3.5-4 Grams of PE on an empty stmoach after fasting for 24 hours. HOLY SHIT! I was not ready for that. 15 minutes in I was feeling it, big time. I tried to do what I normally do and relax and start with waching something. I looked through Hulu and Netflix for a minute or so but something said "NO" you don't want to do that. So i turned off the TV and started to play a game. Again, "NO" you dont what that. I went out for a walk in the early evening 8:30 pm-ish. I'm walking and everything is kicking is nicely a little faster than normal but nothing unmanageable. Then as I'm walking i start noticing trees moving and people walking by in the dark are starting to blend into the dark. In the light everything was "normal" (for tripping) but as I turned a corner I saw a security guy from my complex on a golf cart and felt a huge panic. I couldnt see him but the golf cart the a red and super bright white light(head lamp). Then panic set in. I quickly changed direction and headed home. When I hot inside, the usualy super fuzzy bright warm light with all of the beautiful changing hues... Still normal(for tripping) then I heated up something (curry-rice). I sat on my balcony and strted eating and it was the most delicious thing ever. as I was eating I noticed I stopped and was sitting for what felt like 15-20 minutes. But my watch said i had been there a minute or two. I suddely felt full and went back inside(I'm starting to feel a little spooked). I thought I'd try and watch something again, then I heard someone behind me and I looked back and smiled, then they ran(this is in my house). I suddenly paniced and went to my computer and tried logging in but something just went off and my computer screen just went all rainbowy and millions of swirly collors took over. I stood up and ran out of the house and started walking(my normal exercise path) to calm down. As I'm walking I started getting lost in time loops. Where I thought I'd been walking for 20 minutes or so and realized I was walking for a minute. The longer I walked I the more it happened. I was so scared to go inside again out of fear of slipping away into I don;t even know how to descride. I was walking as fast as I could and trying to look as normal as possible. i'd occasionally come across someone but they would suddenly appear out of the dark and startle me. I continued for hours and was going in and out of reality. I tried to go inside but would forget when I got close to home and continue on my loop. Basically, I was losing my sense of real time. Luckily my wife came home and saw me walking and when got close to my home I saw her car and went inside and she immediatley saw my eyes and that i was all sweaty and helped calm me down. I was so scared I had her give all of my fruits and I threw them all away(kind of regret that now). I had her call a friend of mine but he wasn't there and I called another friend(she dialed for me) he helped talk me through it a bit. I was on the way to the garbage compactor in our complex(to throw away all of my Fruits) and by the time I got there and did it I started looping again. I think I was digesting the PE's and they kept coming and coming stronger for hours. As I got close to home again my wife saw me on the phone walking and waved me over. I couldn't go in the house I needed to be outside. She held my hand and walked we around for about an hour and my friend stayed on the phone with me too. I saw tree lines morph into silhouettes of people/creatures(in the dark) that were watching me and the light was spectacularly brilliant. There are a tone of palm trees and my copmplex is surrounded by woodsy areas on a lake. It looked like something out of apocolypse-now. Mist in the trees with lights all around. After I nearly freaked out when a strange guy came running by my wife said we HAVE to go inside. So we did. We were up til around 2 am so I could come down. I have never been so scared in my life. I did everything wrong. I underestimated the power of these little guys. I can't even go into the insights and crazy imagery I was seeing. I'm an artist and had a HUGE emotional push to do something creative again. I will stop it here. If anyone has any questions I would be happy to answer. 

Posted in: Psilocybin
9 people like this.
Yea planning it ahead and making sure one is in a good mind space makes a big difference and is nessassary for high doses. The next big difference is beeing able to let go and surrender just like you said. If one fights it, it will be a tough experience. Surrender and good planing is most i... View More
Like July 9, 2021
IamUrMe nuntasho, Thanks for the advice and insight. I am a bit embarrassed to admit I panicked and now that i've had a week to process everything, I regret some things. I want to take some time and restart my growing and prep process for a real planned out experience. Although, it wasn't a true "he... View More
Like July 9, 2021
fellowtraveler no need for emberresmend my friend. I think most of us deep travelers habe been at the point where things got tough and maybe scary and we thought this is it. My last time eating them. What have i done to myself. I went to far… all of this. But these are usually the most meaningfull e... View More
Like July 9, 2021
My last big trip i panicked on the come down. Long story short the whole trip was great but on the come down i ate a fuck load of gummy bears my blood sugar skyrocketed and my blood pressure plumited, i thought i was foreal dieing my instincts kicked in, i went full blown flight or fight mode and ... View More
Like July 9, 2021