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Status Update

i want to do dmt soon
can someone tell me how it feels if you can describe it
or should i just wait and see
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I went for a breakthroughon my first, and I am glad I did. The pre-breakthrough was the scariest part for me. It was overwhelming. if I hadnt broken through I dont know if I would have attempted it again. Everyone is different though.
Like March 10, 2020
My first time smoking dmt was my last until a decade later and i experienced trouble smoking the second time around due to my first being a break through of epic proportions. The following attempts at smoking all had me holding the space ship with anticipatory pre flight jitters like a mofo and trou... View More
Like March 10, 2020
ohhh man haha
Like March 10, 2020
i just hope the trip shows me what i need to see
Like March 10, 2020