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Female. Lives in United Kingdom.
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hey gang! it’s my best friends first mushie trip tomorrow, im chilling with her but never made a brew myself only ever been handed it pre tea’d up! wanted to know what is the best dose for a complete... View More
6 people like this.
Depends how comfortable she is honestly. You can never go wrong with an 8th. 2 grams absolute minimum. If she is good with the idea of letting go of control in her mind and letting go of stress then go for the 8th. As for making it, I always find that grinding up and soaking in lemon for 15 min bef... View More
Like March 19, 2022
I would do 2.5g in a pot of boiling water for 15-20 minutes. Then strain out the mushrooms and continue to boil until reduced to a very small amount of water.
Like March 19, 2022
Kitchen shifts , peace signs and mushrooms, i think i landed in the right spot
Like March 19, 2022
Mario sabino
A quartrr lemon juice maybe 1.5g depends on the strain (more then 2 maybe scare her) give it like 15min add cold water/flavored tea "mix n fish the shunks" {its just my 2cent)
Like March 19, 2022
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