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Anybody hve a way to recrystalize and get bigger Crystal's with heptane?
Can swim extract acrb the same way swim does mhrb??? Using stb
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T rex ophora
I found just the vinager soak worked just as well as a vinegar soak and a naptha pull before the caoh. I dont know why i always felt like i needed to pull the fats out before base.... anybody else have experience to share?
Like August 31, 2019
So.... I soak my bark in vinegar before I do the rest???
Like August 31, 2019
What kind of vinegar???
Like August 31, 2019
T rex ophora
5% distilled white vinegar
Like August 31, 2019
I need a new mhrb vendor... mines in the u.s but has been battling customs for 3 months because his package comes outside the u.s.... can somebody please help me... I'm down to 350mgs of dmt... I need... View More
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No I've always used the purple potomus hes really good. N always has great prices... and communicates fast and well.but customs have been playing games... they told him they assure it's on the way but that was 3 months the ago. Were do I find the rootguy???
Like August 28, 2019
Rootguy ships from outside of the U.S., only sells whole bark (so you’ll have to go through the effort of shredding it yourself), and his bark only yields maybe 1% (if you’re lucky). I usually get my bark shipped from Mexico because I can get 2 kilos of pre-shredded bark with a yield of >1.5% (usual... View More
Like August 28, 2019 Edited
How yellow is your finished product? I bought 2 kilos when it was on sale too, and made sure to keep doing pulls until nothing was left, and only got about 3.6g out of 400g.
Like August 28, 2019 Edited
Yeah, yours looks pretty clean. I was wondering if extra plant oils/fats might explain your higher yields, because the last time I talked to someone who got higher yields than me off of Rootguy’s bark, their spice was way yellower and more jungly than mine. Looks like there’s some variation in the q... View More
Like August 28, 2019 Edited
My past mhrb vendor went ghost... does anybody have any recommendations for mhrb??
1 person likes this.
Out of nowhere my vendor contacted me. Hes got a bulk supply of mhrb. It's always good quality. If anybody needs a vendor inbox me
Like June 10, 2019
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