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Male. Lives in Saratoga springs, United States. Born on February 10, 1980. Is in a relationship.
Chemistry. Make your own solvents
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The Writers Torment
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My best buddy in the world.
Love ya Miss Mert
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I also class my little cat as my best friend, during my darkest days of depression, she has been the only thing to put a smile on my face, Iโ€™d be totally lost without her
Like August 7, 2019
I have 2 others. Her father and her sister but Mert for some reason thinks I'm her man.
Like August 7, 2019
Shroomwry is back up. Woot woot
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LC tests are back. All Clean.
I've been seeing how a lot of ppl are either interested in adding Lions Mane or reishi to there micro dosing regimen. So I'd like to make a offer. Down below are Pics of ... View More

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Or just stinky for short
Like August 8, 2019
can you message me, I am interested in what these are... Id prefer to chat in private.
Like August 11, 2019
Like August 11, 2019
Nice i have grown king stropharia before supper easy just put them in hard wood chips the more wood chips the bigger they get and are yummy
Like August 23, 2019
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What the next wave is gonna be after I fruit these TOC and GT I have colonizing in jars on oats
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That's awesome though. What I would of done then is I would of cloned one of those pins. I do it all the time. Some of my best clones came from a pin on a fruiting plate
Like July 31, 2019
If it wasn't for the shroomery server going down I'd probably not be here at the moment. Maybe eventually. Hard to say. Anyways it's been a blessing in disguise and I'm glad to have found this place.... View More
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Security breach of some kind
Like July 30, 2019
Yeah it's pretty cool here I dig all the groups (~);} NFA
Like July 30, 2019
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Still no eta but at least we got a update. And it's not down permanently. Thankfully
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Aye aye captain. (~);-)
Like July 30, 2019
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Testing this old LC of some king stropharia. Non active but a beautiful mushroom.
Common names
Wine Cap
Garden Giant
Stropharia rugosoannulata https://g.co/kgs/rzNhya
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I don't. This will be my first time fruiting it indoors. It grows outdoors super easy.
Like July 30, 2019
I'm gonna inoculate a bag of sterilized coir with a quart jar of grain spawn. Was toying with the idea of supplementing the coir with something but I'm lazy so itll probably just be straight coir.
Like July 30, 2019
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Its concerning when its coming from them because it's like. Ok so what's the angle. I feel ya
Like July 30, 2019
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