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Male. Lives in United States.
Arizona's Psychonauts (Locals only).
22 Members
Meetups and Communities
Shroomin 2.0
1716 Members
Mycology ยป Psilocybin

Status Update

Gonna be tripping for the first time tonight on 3.5 grams of shrooms. Any advice? Music playlists?
7 people like this.
Personally I think 3.5g is too much for a first trip
Like September 29, 2020
I have learned although music can be a great companion, some of my most powerful trips have been blindfolded in the dark. When you go in with the most humblest of intents, and a genuine desire to learn more about yourself and life...it all starts making sense.
Like September 29, 2020
Yo, I'm just gonna go ahead and give you permission to DM me if you want a good in depth walk through on environmental preparation and experience curation for that first time fam.
Like September 29, 2020
I know its to late but could always watch fear and loathing in Los Vegas... very interesting tripping.
Like September 29, 2020