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Male. Lives in Statesville, United States. Born on June 2, 1990. Is single.
Entheogens and God
354 Members
Spirituality ยป Religion
Im new to DMT world and looking for some experience to gain insight from. I have used psychedelics most of my life and i have gained great insights and personally grown greatly from them. I am current... View More
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Thank you for all the feedback. I believe my alcohol problems were because of a lack of any God consciousness. I disconnection from that place in me were God is and the power or energy thats out there. I also believe that certain plants are here to bring us closer to that thing which a lot call God ... View More
Like July 13, 2019
I find microdosing psilocybin makes me not want alcohol mostly. Some days I struggle but if I am tempted a spoonful of honey normally cures what ales me.
Like July 13, 2019
The Fungus Frequency
I was an alcoholic for years and honestly dmt found me right at about the time you are at. I was 1 and a half years sober and dmt found me through a friend. I was already on what I would call an upward spiral with life in general but it just literally rocketed me in that direction. It opened me back... View More
Like July 13, 2019
Without plants we humans would not exist. Plants take our carbon dioxide and give us oxygen. The animals we eat feed on plants. We get water from plants. Our clothes and homes from plants. To think plants can't also give you GOD as well is naive. If these plants, "enthogens" (God filled substances)... View More
Like July 13, 2019
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