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Can anyone recommend some good audiobooks on mushrooms and DMT?
4 people like this.
DMT the spirit molecule DMT and the soul of prophecy My favorite mushroom book im not sure if its in audio form but Sacred Mushroom Rituals the search for the blood of qeutzalcoatl. Inside that book are tons of extra suggestions as well. Check it out. The podcast has some gr... View More
Like December 17, 2021
Thanks to both of you, i’ll check it all out :-)
Like December 17, 2021
No worries brother, if you like that first link.. check this one out aswell. They are both 3 hour compilations about Terence Mckenna talking about mushroom and DMT and other cool stuff 1f642.png https://youtu.be/8MG5gFtZ3U8
Like December 18, 2021