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Male. Lives in San Jose. Born on October 19, 1996. Is single.
About Me
I am here to learn, read, and understand how to get my mushroom growing ideas into reality.
The mushr... View More
California psychonautics
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I am wanting to create my own temperature controlled area for growing fruit bodies. Two questions: Does anyone program their own temperature controlled environments? (With sensors and micro-controller... View More
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May I suggest a simple resistance-based (like electric heater or heating mat) heater, connected to a simple temperature controller ? What FennecFox did is smart and works for his use case but for growing fruit bodies it's probably not the best solution (for 2 reasons, size of the environment, and en... View More
Like September 7, 2020 Edited
He asked for sensors and micro controller - a heating mat for shrooms can be bought for cheap at a quality headshop 1f642.png
Like September 7, 2020
Thank you everyone for your terms and suggestions, I can start from here at least looking at some of the suggested solutions at FennecFox. Also heating mat and resistance based heater I will look into. Thanks! As for the environment temperature, I may be looking to have a heating element rather than... View More
Like September 15, 2020
I got a pic of mine on my page, reptile heating pad, temp/Rh control. I am working at 9,000 feet above sea level in an unheated garage
Like September 15, 2020