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Florida Psychonauts
205 Members
Meetups and Communities
I live in St Petersburg and am new to psychedelics to expand consciousness. Plenty of experience simply tripping. I'm on more of a spiritual journey at this point in my life and would like to learn ab... View More
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No. Be researching a lot. Its very intriguing. Just trying learn. I've never even done DMT before. Most all other psychedelics a lot in my past though.
Like August 9, 2019
Dmt is definitely the best route to take when on a spiritual path
Like September 8, 2019
I'm new to using psychedelics for enlightenment, and not just "tripping" I'm trying to learn a bit more about DMT, and live near St Petersburg, Fl. Anybody in my area?
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Greetings from Alaska, friend. 1f642.png Glad you are here!♡ I'm also new to psychedelics as medicine, but absolutely loving the journey! If you haven't checked out the groups yet, there's, at least, one Florida meetup group. You might try posting there to connect with psychonauts in your area. 1f609.png there are al... View More
Like August 8, 2019
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