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About Me
I am Sloth. Come pet me and be my friend.
Entheogens and God
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Alan Watts Fans
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Psychology and Philosophy
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Psychology and Philosophy
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Psychology and Philosophy
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Status Update

Ive had a pretty varied kinds of psychedlics throughout my usage. All at very heavy doses. There is one psychedlic that to me personally trumps all others I have dome both classical and otherwise.
And ... View More

7 people like this.
Spyorg Plaird Yppah
Sloth is boss
Like September 1, 2019
I've never even heard of it, but I am looking forward to your trip report! It sounds like an incredible experience.
Like September 1, 2019
Is it on erowid? Any idea what those letters stand for?
Like September 1, 2019
I've been getting ready for the ride...
Like October 17, 2019