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Trying to get a friend into deems but she doesnt want tk smoke weed in her apt. Or use a glass pipe. She wants to snort it. Does it work like that?
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Please don't snort freebase. The PH is about 11. If she insists make sure you convert it to DMT furmarate like Victor said. Dosing fumarate is different as you need to know the starting volumes of both the DMT and fumarate to know how much DMT per mg of DMT DMT fumarate.
Like April 10, 2020
to snort it you would have to turn it into DMT Fumurate. But beyond that don't push her, when and if she's ready she'll let you know
Like April 10, 2020
Secondly you can just keep some ashes and do the sandwich method with just that.
Like April 10, 2020
Thanks guys
Like April 10, 2020