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Male. Lives in United States.
by on March 4, 2020
So I was taken back into my past and I was a lizard type species. Maybe a chameleon or something like that. It was very familiar and I was used to it it was as easy as walking. As I began to come back into my body now. I showed myself how good I taste. The roof of my mouth was so tasty like tasted better than any food I’ve ever had. Then I bit down on my tongue and it tasted even better (how do you taste your own tongue?). As I kept getting more and more control and my reptilian life started to ...
132 views 3 likes
by on February 16, 2020
I finally broke through on my 7th trip I took about 50-60mg. I was first put under what looked like an ocean like room with walls made of clowns. They kept pestering me because they knew what I wanted. I finally got control of my body and took 2 big hits and I flew past them. (What happened next was the turning point of my life thus far) I was in a galaxy like spiral of infinite space and time. I saw a central light, I had no control over my direction or thought. I thought I had died. I felt s...
185 views 19 likes