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Male. Lives in Santa Cruz, United States. Born on January 9, 1985.
About Me
Grizzly & Koala. Dwarf Warrior & Orc Shaman. Porcupine & Hedgehog. Alien & Earthling. Elemental & H... View More
Stoned Philosophers
596 Members
Psychology and Philosophy
Feel the sweat break on my brow
Is it me or is it shadows that are dancing on the walls
Is this a dream or is this now
Is this a vision of normality I see before my eyes
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Passiflora incarnata? Those things stank!
Like December 31, 2019
Like December 31, 2019
Sometimes I take good pictures.
Miscellaneous Plants & Scenery.
What if I told you there's no such thing as time. And that your mind clings to it to prevent free falling through space & time. And losing its shit groundhogs day style upon seeing no tomorrow, no yes... View More
10 people like this.
I would agree that time dose not exist. Only clocks exist.
Like December 26, 2019
What would be the ultimate experience for beings outside the constraints of space, time & matter. Well to localize, flow & become. Why wouldn't contrast also exist in a realm of the infinite where one would be omnipresent, ageless & ethereal. The more I think about it the more I feel this place to b... View More
Like December 26, 2019
Like a proof of concept before endeavoring to condense & integrate its structure into individually autonomous beings. Makes sense, our parallel being computers with there massive original size evolving into the tiny super computers in our pockets. Haven't read it yet, but almost bought it yesterday.... View More
Like December 27, 2019 Edited
Proof is found in Nirvana, the spice is a shortcut, safe travels!
Like December 27, 2019
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