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Male. Lives in Melbourne. Is married.
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19 people like this.
It's actually interesting that animals without any biological knowledge, rarely die because they eat something poisonous.
Like October 19, 2019
G'day people I'm wondering if anyone has watched a YouTube video called "How to make DMT Video Extraction Guide"
If so, is it a good method for extractions?
1 person likes this.
The Transcendent Stoner
Hello there I was gonna go with this tek my first time which was today actually and was strongly advised by multiple people not to do so check out KSKB tek it originates from here and its simple to follow and really popular1f642.png im trying to link the photos but im not 100% sure how to do so yet.
Like October 11, 2019 Edited
Thanks mate
Like October 11, 2019
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