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Female. Lives in South Carolina, United States. Is married.
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According to sources, a poshy scarf-wearing yoga teaching, conscious seeking yogini.
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I just bought a dehydrator. It's a temp controlled, time controlled one. So I soaked my banana slices in 50/50 lemon juice/water for 10 minutes. 8 hours later on the recommended (in the book) setting ... View More
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Um id keep bananas sepaarate from all other produce they produce many gases that speed up decomp of other produce i.e mushrooms and vegetables but you can still use the sane dehydrator just imo wouldnt do it all at once for stuff thats realy wet bumo the temp just a bit most companies use super... View More
Like February 7, 2020
Thank you for that! So I'll do the mushrooms alone. I think I discovered why the bananas tasted like chewy butt; because these bananas were over-ripe to start with. I'm going to buy some firmer ones tomorrow, also not soak them, and see what happens. Also, the lion's mane is disgusting dehydrated s... View More
Like February 9, 2020
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