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Jamie Star
Hello! I’m a therapist and hoping to someday soon have a psychedelic practice when the FDA gets their ducks in a row. What a cool community!
17 people like this.
Jamie Star
Im very intetested in how the ancients experienced healing at Asklepion temples, and the Eleusinian Mysteries use of ethnogens. Theres something about the presentation of images while on the medicine that initiates the same spiritual truth in people. I want to know what they did! So I’ll have to exp... View More
Like February 9, 2020
Ah ok, so do you have you any experience with psychedelics yourself?
Like February 9, 2020
Tunnel bird
You can with digital drugs now! Try the anja lights , or simialr lamps lucia no 3, gives you similar experiences
Like February 9, 2020
That's super cool. I'm sure if you have any questions for us trippers we'd be happy to answer them for you. Have a great day.
Like February 9, 2020