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I'm wondering if anyone else has ever had a healing psilocybin even with a animal?
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I had a animal I have had since before they had their eyes open and I have had a lot of really heavy shit happen to me throughout life and so am dealing with a incredible amount of trauma, and one night I had taken a therapeutic dose of 2 hits of Lucy and 6 or 7 gs of shrooms and my cat could like ... View More
Like 16 hours ago
Mr.Skywalker is right on the money with his assessment one of my closest Brothers and I we're talking about this just a couple months ago on of my pets a cat has accompanied me on quite a few journeys to the other side some of them have been pretty hairy to say the least and it's like it didn't even... View More
Like 15 hours ago
That's actually very true. Cats meow to communicate with us .. think about it for a sec, they don't need to meow back in forth to talk. Cats have their own ways of communication, most of which is a lot more subtle ... So u are right on the money with that as well
Like 4 hours ago
Oh i wasnt not assessing anything, i was clarifying. But yeah cats especially are very intuitive and they for sure see/sense things. We see them "cat napping" but I'm pretty sure they sre dimension hopping. Watch a show called The Magicians on Netflix. Its like Harry Potter meets Chronicals of Nar... View More
Like 2 hours ago