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Female. Lives in South Solon, Ohio, United States. Born on September 22, 2002. Is in a relationship with .
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19, psychic medium mermaid witch
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When your such a stoner that you smoke over 32 grams in 10 days. ????????????
11 people like this.
tolerance breaks are needed in your casr you'd prolly won't be able to sleep or eat cuz ur a heavy user but it's necessary sometimes
Like April 14, 2021
Saidar. Woah! Thats some smoking right there! Lol. I thought i was bad bc i go through about a quarter a week on average. Gram a day, keeps the demons away.
Like April 14, 2021
28g of flower by the way... not concentrate. Concentrate doesn’t get me high like flower does. I prefer flower. I know soo many people that smoke more than me. I have actually cut back a lot since I tried DMT for the first time. I used to smoke three joints in a row with my husband and not be high e... View More
Like April 14, 2021
Saidar thats awesome!!! Psychedelics are amazing. No judgement. Sorry if it came across that way. Mushrooms & marijuana have been instrumental in my recovery from alcohol and cocaine. Especially mushrooms. I said a gram. But its prob gram & half per day of flower. 7-10 grams of flower a week for me ... View More
Like April 14, 2021