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Wall Comment

Matrix Breaker
Yin Yang is not a symbol of “balance”. It represents a creational force invaded by a consumptive force. Humanity has forgotten true eternal life and were given false/distorted teachings. This is why p... View More
2 people like this.
I have doubts about it to be honest. From my very personal perspective, after having a death experience self induced unconsciously without the use of any substance or getting actually close to die, I confess you that after seeing the whole thing from the spirit perspective makes the p... View More
Like June 16, 2022
By the way, in my opinion, it's not about breaking the matrix, but about becoming the matrix. 1f609.png 2665.png
Like June 16, 2022
Matrix Breaker
whatever floats your boat I guess. There are people who are drawn to the movement of a hamster wheel, and there are people who's been here long enough to realize every level of the game is the same stack of cards just with different pictures.
Like June 16, 2022
Why do u think there is a rebirth?
Like July 19, 2022