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Donald Lewis Myers

Male. Lives in Baltimore, United States. Born on December 21, 1978. Is single.
About Me
Magician part time.. Sat with Master Shaman Don Diego. Was asked to leave the Marines after 3.5 year... View More
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Psychedelics » DMT
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Donald Lewis Myers
Baltimore Pier 6 amazing
18 people like this.
Tight! They would be awesome live! You know, they actually remind of Rush. ♡
Like October 2, 2019
Donald Lewis Myers
They are amazing live!! I love Rush but never got to see them live.
Like October 2, 2019
I ♡ Rush too, but never got to see them live.
Like October 2, 2019
I'd love to hear them Myco Madness!
Like October 2, 2019 Edited
Donald Lewis Myers
Wishing you all peace and love.
40 people like this.
Absolutely love this
Like August 30, 2019
Nemesis Rhapsody
This makes me happy inside!
Like September 6, 2019
Ozric Starshine
Sri Yantra
Like September 6, 2019
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